Our Favorite Sims 4 Magic Mods!

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Author: Lina

If there is one thing we love about the Sims 4, it is the endless magic mods out there, that keep our games mysterious, exciting, and enchanting! With the addition of magic mods like modular portals, functional wands, occult hybrids, witchcraft careers, and improved familiars, Realm of Magic gameplay has become 10 times more fun. And we are here for it! In this post, we will be highlighting some of our favorite Sims 4 magic mods that you can download for free!

Sims 4 magic mods

The Sims 4 Magic Mods: Modular Portals, Functional Wands, Improved Familiars, Witchcraft Careers, Occult Hybrids And More!

Even though the Sims 4 Realm of Magic, Vampires, and Island Living packs came with a bunch of magical stuff like spellcasters, mermaids, and vampires, we keep wanting more. To be completely truthful, there can never be enough magic for us. We just seek magic around every corner, we really can not help it!

So, when we discovered there is plenty of awesome realm of magic mods we can download for free to upgrade our magical realm experience… Well, let us just say we got very excited! Getting to play the Sims 4 with the occult, magical beings is one of our favorite things to do. Not only because it looks incredibly cool, but because it provides that extra little escape from reality. Which, we could all use now and again.

Therefore, we are very excited to share some of our favorite magic mods with you. Now, hold on to your magical carpet, and let us take you on a ride to a “whole new world”!

1. Modular Portal Mod – SWEETTACOPLUMBOB

Sims 4 magic mods

Calling all fans of Realm of Magic! This magical-core portal will take your gameplay to a new galaxy! Created by SWEETTACOPLUMBOB, this modular portal is a mesh edit of the Realm of Magic portal. But, to make this versatile wonder work, you need the cheats, “bb.moveobjects”, “testingcheats true”, and “bb.showhiddenobjects” on before placing it. The magic mod comes with 3 pairs of 1 entrance, 1 exit, and 1 portal to the magic realm.

When you have installed the pack, the portals can be found in the miscellaneous section of the entertainment category. After you have placed the portals, you will be able to see their work in live mode after a few seconds. So, what are you waiting for? Turn your sims into portal travelers now. For more mod info, here!


Sims 4 magic mods

We all loved the wands that came with Realm of Magic. But at some point… Well, we just grew tired of the small selection. Which is why we were so happy when we discovered this wand mod by PEANUTBUTTERJELLY. All of our spellcasters have different personalities and with this working wand mod, we get to showcase that by giving them a wand that suits them! With this enchanting mod pack, you get 2 types of wands, TS3, and TS4. The latter is functional. To discover them in The Sims 4 search box, just type “PBJelly”.

Or, you may find them under “activities” and “miscellaneous”. But, if the wands do not show up, make sure you have “bb.showhiddenobjects” enabled. And, as with most of the amazing mods we mention here, you will need to have the Sims 4 Realm of Magic installed. Beyond that, you are good to go! So, go ahead and download these magical wands here!

3. Familiar Interactions – SIMSMODELSIMMER

Sims 4 magic mods

Are you as tired of the boring, non-existent interactions between your sim spellcasters and familiars as we are? Yeah, well luckily for all of us, SIMSMODELSIMMER has fixed that with this Familiar Interactions mod! With this magical mod, your sims can request random magic tips from their sidekick familiars. Or, they can simply just have a conversation with them about some magical creature, dangerous magic stuff or some untamed magic. We love this mod, as it just makes familiars be of more use than just simply a visual sidekick.

This mod works by your sim purchasing a familiar in the shop in the magic realm. After that, you summon your sidekick and click on them to access the familiar interactions menu. It really could not get any simpler than that! So, upgrade your little sidekicks by downloading this Familiar Interactions mod now!

4. Witchcraft Career – Sims 4 magic mods

Sims 4 magic mods

Playing with spellcasters in the Sims 4 Realm of Magic is great and all… But how cool wouldn´t it be if we could have our sims work with witchcraft! Just imagine it… witchcraft as a career. It would be so iconic that words do not do it justice. This is why we were beyond excited when we discovered this gem of a mod! This wicked mod is created by MIDNITETECH and comes with 5 levels, 2 branches with 3 levels of their own. They are as follows:

Witchcraft Branch

  1. Cauldron Cleaner
    This may not seem like it is an important job. But, if you do not clean the cauldron perfectly after use, the next spell cast could go very wrong…
  2. Herbs Gatherer
    You better read up on herbs, as you have been tasked to gather them for the Coven! Just make sure you bring back the right herbs…
  3. Coven Initiate
    You have finally been accepted into the coven, and can perform spells with the witches!
  4. Spellcaster
    Congrats! You have become an expert in spellcasting!
  5. Familiar Spirit Binder
    Now you must select a Familiar! But it will possess the spirit of a lost loved one, so choose carefully.

White Magic Witch Branch

  1. Gardnerian Witch
    Focus on balance, reincarnation, and mystery traditions as a Gardenian witch!
  2. Cottage Witch
    Your home is your sacred place as a cottage witch!
  3. Elemental Witch
    As an elemental witch, you will invoke elemental energies to empower magical goals!

Black Magic Witch Branch

  1. Voodoo Spellcaster
    Who does now enjoy the power of Voodoo? You do!
  2. Necromancer
    Communicate with the dead and summon spirits, but be aware of the consequences.
  3. Master/Mistress of the Dark Arts
    You are now a true master/mistress of the dark arts. Sims fear you…

Are you as excited by this witchcraft career mod as we are? Well then, go install it now!

5. Maxis Match Tarot Reading – Sims 4 magic mods

Sims 4 magic mods

Calling all tarot readers out there! With this new, mysterious mod by DEATHPOKE1QA CREATIONS you can finally read tarot in the Sims 4! This magical mod, comes with a floating deck you can place on any tarot table. Followed by an override for the playing card texture and special tuning which changes the text when you click on it. The best part about this pack is that this variety of cool decorative objects and tarot tables are all base game compatible.

So you do not even need the Sims 4 Realm of Magic game pack to use it. This wicked mod includes 5 décor pieces and 7 versions of the tarot table. We do not know about you, but we are incredibly excited to add this wicked mod to our game! So, if you are too, go install it into your mods folder from here!

6. An Occult Lay Line (New Trait) – R3M

Sims 4 magic mods

Simmers who got the game packs Get to Work, Vampires, Island Living, and Realm of Magic installed, listen up! With this “Occult Lay Line” lot trait mod, your sims will have the chance to conceive a baby that does not match their occult type! Yes, quite mysterious isn´t it? We lowkey kind of love it. Anyways, this cool lot trait works in the following manner… There is a 20% chance your sim baby inherits the occult from either parent. But, an 80% chance they inherit another random occult. Crazy right? It is pretty cool. To get a better idea of these different occult changes, see below.

Example Case 1:

Packs: Get to Work, Vampires, Island Living
Parents: Alien + Vampire
Babies: Human 40%, Mermaid 40%, Alien 10%, Vampire 10%

Example Case 2:

Packs: Get to Work, Vampires
Parents: Human + Human
Babies: Alien 40%, Vampire 40%, Human 20%

Example Case 3:

Packs: Island Living
Parents: Mermaid + Mermaid
Babies: Human 80%, Mermaid 20%

Example Case 4:

Packs: Get to Work, Vampires, Island Living, Realm of Magic
Parents: Vampire + Spellcaster
Babies: Human 26.667%, Alien 26.667%, Mermaid 26.667%, Vampire 10%, Spellcaster 10%

In addition, when Sims “Try for Baby” on a lot with this trait they will get a custom moodlet. Which provides a mood boost that lasts 2 days. So, if you want this fun lot trait in your game, go download it here!

7. Realm of Magic Familiar Orb Computer – TEKNIKAH

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If you are really into off-the-grid gameplay and desire that true cottage witch experience… You will love this mod by TEKNIKAH. The Realm of Magic Familiar Orb Computer, lets your sims use their magical crystal orbs as computers! This is perfect if you do not want to display a computer in your enchanted house, or your witch academy! In addition to that, having another object function as a computer is just great. This way we can mix it up a bit!

We just love the idea of having our spellcasters use their crystal orbs as computers. Not only does it look super cool, but it´s just more versatile in terms of fitting that Realm of Magic style. So, if you want to give this magical computer a try, download it here!

8. Spellcaster Child Can Use Magic – Sims 4 magic mods

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When the Sims 4 Realm of Magic was released, we only got the option to make our teen and adult sims practice magic. This is kind of a bummer because we are missing out on the whole Henry Puffer storyline… But luckily for us, FERDIANASIMS has recognized this unfortunate element, and developed a mod to fix it! Yes, with this mod, our sims children can also practice magic! And we are just itching to start gameplay so we can develop our Henry Puffer storyline!

Also do not worry about your child sims passing away from using magic. Since that would be tragic, FERDIANASIMS has made sure it will not happen! Another nice twist to this mod is that spellcaster kids can join a club with other child spellcasters! How cute is that…They can practice their magic together! So, if you like us, want to see your sim kids practice magic… Install this mod now!

9. Cauldron Potions Cost Money – ICEMUNMUN

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This mod works so newly created potions can get a price tag. That is right, you can now sell your potions! But it does not stop there… You also have to pay a few simoleons to create your wicked drinks! “The Cauldron Potions Cost Money” is created by ICEMUNMUN and comes in 5 different versions. They include regular price, 2x price, 3x price, 5x price, and 10x price. Furthermore, all potions can be sold in the retail store with real price increments. You can see see the potion price list below.


1. Potion of Forced Friendship200 ( 400, 600, 1000, 2000)
2. Potion of Prompt Resurrection1000 (2000, 3000, 5000, 10000)
3. Potion of Plentiful Needs50 (100, 150, 250, 500)
4. Potion of Masterful Insults100 (200, 300, 500, 1000)
5. Potion of Immortality2000 ( 4000, 6000, 10000, 20000)
6. Potion of Rejuvenation500 ( 1000, 1500, 2500, 5000)
7. Potion of the Transcendent Charmer300 ( 600, 900, 1500, 3000)
8. Potion of Good Fortune100 (200, 300, 500, 1000)
9. Potion of Magical Aura100 (200, 300, 500, 1000)
10. Potion of Emotional Stability100 (200, 300, 500, 1000)
11. Potion of Alluring Aura200 ( 400, 600, 1000, 2000)
12. Potion of Nausea75 ( 150, 225, 375, 750)
13. Potion of Curse Cleansing250 (500, 750, 1250, 2500)
14. Potion of Perk Purging300 ( 600, 900, 1500, 3000)
15. Potion of the Nimble Mind200 ( 400, 600, 1000, 2000)

Okay, are you ready to make some money by creating wicked potions? Yeah, so are we. So lets get to installing this mod, shall we?

10. Occult Hybrid Unlocker – Sims 4 magic mods

Sims 4 magic mods

Have you ever wanted your sims to be occult hybrids? Meaning more than one occult at a time. Yes, so have we! When we discovered this mod by TWELFTHDOCTOR1, we nearly screamed with excitement! Okay, let us take a look at these wicked occult hybrids! This mod allows the following occult to become certain hybrids through normal means.

Occult Hybrids

  • Aliens to be Spellcasters
  • Vampires to be Spellcasters
  • Spellcasters to be Vampires
  • Mermaids to be Spellcasters
  • Servos to be Spellcasters
  • Aliens to be Mermaids
  • Vampires to be Mermaids
  • Spellcasters to be Mermaids
  • Servos to be Vampires
  • Aliens to be Vampires
  • Mermaids to be Vampires

Your occult sims can become certain hybrids by normal means, which refers to:

  • Asking and Offering Rite of Ascension
  • Asking How to Use Magic
  • Ask To Turn into Vampire
  • Turn Into Vampire via Vampire Powers
  • Eating the Kelp and Going Into Water to be a Mermaid

We cannot wait to play around with these occult hybrid! Now, if you are as excited as we are, head on to download this mod now!

11. Magical School For Teens And Children – ILKAVELLE

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It is time to get your Henry Puffer gameplay on! With this Magical School mod by ILKAVELLE, your teen and children sims can attend their very own school of wizardry! Welcome to Bonehilda’s Magic School, where potions, spells, and mysteries lurk around every corner! To get your sims to attend, choose the “magic school student” career. And, if you already have the “school dropping by teens MCCC” installed, the magic school will automatically replace the normal high school. Now, let us get into how this magic school functions.

School Structure And Levels

When attending Bonehilda’s Magic School, your sims do not get grades, but instead, work towards levels. Each level provides a different set of tasks, and you build your way upward from beginner to expert. But, do not fear… There is actual schoolwork too. At each level, your student will have to write an essay. They will write this on a chosen topic, which changes depending on their level. And to write their essay, your sims will use a school book.

Various Subjects

Have your sims choose various classes to attend! The available subjects will be unlocked at level 3. The subjects include Astronomy, Herbalism, General Magic, Practical Magic, Meditation, Mischief Magic, and Muggle Studies.

The Magical Exam

When you reach level 4, your sim will have to pass an exam. This will be an active event, so you will have to click on your sim to take the exam. Which will take them to the Realm of Magic. If you fail your exam, do not worry, because you can repeat the event. Now, if you pass the exam at the Bronze level you will get a note and no chance to do it again. This will affect your magic career and salary, so do aim for a Gold level pass! This will give you the best career options, as well as the highest salary.

Our Thoughts

We are just thrilled that we finally can have our beloved Henry Puffer attend magic school in the Sims 4! So, if you are as excited by this magic school mod as we are, go download it now!

12. Greatest Spell caster Perks Free – Sims 4 magic mods

Sims 4 magic mods

If you are tired of entering countless cheat codes one by one, only to gain spellcaster perks little by little… Well, then this Spellcaster Free Perks mod is for you! This magical mod, created by DANNNYWANGJO, lets your spellcasters buy all the 24 kinds of spellcaster perks for free! Yes, you read that right… For free! This means you get all the wonderful spellcaster perks without as much as lifting a finger. Well, you have to buy them… But they are free, so we consider that as “doing nothing”. However, note that this mod does not level your spellcaster up in rank. That, you will have to do on your own. But, to be honest we do not care about that. All we want is the nice perks that come with being a spell caster, and with this mod, we get them all!

So, what are you spellcasters waiting for? Get yourselves some perks by installing this mod now!

13. Birthday Cake Celebration Spell – Sims 4 magic mods

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Sims 4 magic mods

If you are anything like us, you tend to forget your sim’s birthdays… This means you have to bake a birthday cake in a rush, hire an expensive caterer to make one… Or just drop the whole celebration and hope it does not scar your sim for life. This whole birthday cake-baking might honestly be one of the most stressful aspects of the game. But luckily for us, we will not have to worry about baking cakes or hiring caterers any longer. Because with this Celebration Spell by Kuttoe we can just spawn cakes onto the ground or countertops!

Yes, this is a spell that allows our sims to “poof” cakes into existence out of nowhere, and we are here for it! By adding this mod to our game, our sims will save money, time, and fun! Admit it, we all have sims who hate baking… Well, now they do not have to anymore! Note that this spell belongs to the Practical School of Magic, and can be learned in all the usual ways. However, spellcasters must be ranked 2 to learn it. Lastly, you will need the “Spellbooj Injector” mod by R3M & SIMSONIAN LIBRARY installed for this mod to work. You get can that here. Beyond that, you should be good to go. So, get to downloading this wonder!


To sum it up, the internet is full of wonderful, wicked Sims 4 magic mods that will enrich, enchant, and upgrade your Realm of Magic gameplay. The 13 mods we just mentioned were just a few of our selected favorites! So, if you download any of these mods, let us know how you like them! And, if you know of any other fun cool magical mod packs, comment them below!

Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and happy simming!

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