More Columns in CAS Mod: Expand your Create A Sim Catalog in TS4!

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Author: Nicolas
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In this article, we will teach you how to expand the number of columns that are available in The Sims 4’s Create-A-Sim (CAS). Aside from improving the User Interface (UI) of CAS, this More Columns mod will allow you more freedom and control over the displayed items. Read our full article to discover how to do this! Plus, we also included some mods that will further enhance your CAS experience!

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Expanding Columns in Create-A-Sim

The Create a Sim, or CAS, is probably one of our favorite parts of The Sims 4. It is the place where we bring life to our sims, making them shine with the clothes we select for them to wear, the physical characteristics that we assign to them, and the quirky personalities that we ascribe to each and every sim. But if there is one thing that we’d like to improve our CAS experience, it would be to have more columns available for the displays/thumbnails of endless features, items, clothing, and custom content that we have in CAS!

The More Columns in CAS Mod

More Columns in CAS!

Luckily, there is a mod that could solve our lack of columns problem in CAS. Because seriously, what fun is there in only having two columns available in that space, right?! It seems too dull. Enter Weerbesu, a simmer and mod creator, who created the More Columns in CAS Mod. Weerbesu launched this mod in 2019 with the mission of including more columns in the catalog panel of CAS, which provides simmers with more comfort and a better UI experience while creating sims. He has then regularly updated the More Columns in CAS Mod to cater to the regular updates and patches of TS4.

1. 3-Columns Display in CAS

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First off, let us start with the 3-columns version of the More Columns in CAS Mod. This one simply provides an extra panel in your catalog of items and features in CAS. This is an excellent choice if you don’t want to crowd your screen too much but want to increase the number of thumbnail displays in each scroll of your mouse in CAS. If you prefer this version, visit the mod here and choose the “More_CAS_Columns_(3_Columns).package” file at the bottom.

2. 4-Columns Display in CAS

more columns

If the 3-columns version still does not seem adequate enough to display all items and features of CAS, then you can get the 4-columns version of the mod. The 4-column version seems to be the best version of the mod as it expands the selection of items and features in the mod, without overwhelming you with the presentation of too many thumbnails at once. Access the 4-columns version here and choose the “More_CAS_Columns_(4_Columns).package” file at the bottom.

3. 5-Columns Display in CAS

5 cloumns

Yes, you heard it right. Not just 3 and 4, but there is also a 5 -columns version of the More Columns in CAS mod by Weerbesu! Installing this version of the mod would provide you with a larger assortment of CAS items and features in each scroll of your mouse. This is perfect for you if you do not get easily distracted by the instant deluge of thumbnails in your CAS space. Go to the Patreon post here and select the “More_CAS_Columns_(5_Columns).package” file at the bottom to choose this version.

How to Install This Mod

Like the other mods that we have introduced in SnootySims, installing the More Columns in CAS Mod is easy. Just choose one of the versions of the mod above, then download the specific PACKAGE file for that version. Place this single PACKAGE file inside your mods folder in The Sims 4. You can access the mods folder through this path: Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods. Finally, make sure that the use of mods and custom content is enabled in your game settings.

Special Instructions for the More Columns in CAS Mod

As of September 2022, the creator of the mod Weerbesu has released version 1.25 of the mod. This version is compatible with the 1.91.205 game version of The Sims 4. Sadly, this version 1.25 of the mod no longer works with much older versions of The Sims 4. To check your particular game version of The Sims 4, go to your Documents folder and follow this path: Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > GameVersion.

Bonus: Other Notable Mods for CAS

Aside from the More Columns in CAS Mod, we have also included other special mods that could make your Create-A-Sim gameplay more convenient and enjoyable! Check out the following mods we especially picked for you below.

1. CAS Overhaul V2 by Luumia

cas overhaul

This mod by Luumia will provide you with an enriched version of CAS. With this mod, you will have access to 12 new CAS backgrounds in the game. The mod also comes with an “Immersive Lighting” feature which will give you the preference to turn on a backlight in CAS in case you want to. This will result in more polished-looking sims! Lastly, the mod also has an “Eye Spec Remover” feature for pet sims. Access this mod here.

2. Skip CAS Stories by MizoreYukii


Have you ever found it bothering that each time you start a new game in The Sims 4, you will once again encounter the CAS Stories popup that offers you the chance to create story-based personalized sims? Banish that experience with this mod, which lets you access the CAS space easily and with no distractions. Get this mod here.

3. More Traits in CAS by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii

more traits

This mod is pretty straightforward! By installing this in your game, you no longer have to frown upon the fact that you could only assign three traits to your sims. Yes! With this mod from thepancake1 and MizoreYukii, you now have the affordance of ascribing five traits for your sims! Looks like your sim could finally have the opportunity to become a jack-of-all-trades in the game. Visit this site to download this mod.

4. UI Cheats Extension by Weerbesu

ui cheats

So, we are lucky to have another mod from Weerbesu that will immensely improve our game! If you are tired of typing and entering complicated cheats, then you need to install this UI Cheats Extension. Through this mod, cheats will automatically be integrated into your game’s UI, allowing you to conveniently access and modify cheats through a click of your mouse on the screen. For example, right-clicking on a sim’s Hygiene bar will let you increase or decrease the level of that need in an instant. Grab this mod through this link.

5. Dark Mode UI by Dskecht

dark mode UI

Okay, so this is probably one of the coolest mods available for CAS in The Sims 4 as of late! With this mod, you can now play the game in Dark Mode! Yep, this is super useful if you are prone to experiencing optical issues when it comes to playing games! Now, you can play The Sims 4 without straining your eyes a tad too much. This mod is available here.

In Conclusion

The Create-a-Sim, or CAS, is one of the most crucial components of The Sims 4. It is where we give life, color, and character to our beloved sims that we bring to the game. Thus, it is highly essential that we get a comfortable experience as we dedicate our time to making our sims in CAS. With the More Columns in CAS Mod by Weerbesu, we are given this opportunity! Now, we can improve the layout of the items available in CAS through expanded columns, thus providing us with more efficient gameplay. Happy playing simmers!

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicolas

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Hi there! I’m Nicolas, your fellow Simmer who also happens to be the force simmering behind SNOOTYSIMS. I can’t believe it has been nearly 20 years since I created the very first Sims fan site. Time just flies by, doesn’t it? I’ve always loved writing about the Sims games and being part of its community has never ceased to be my personal thrill.

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