Missing Rewards: Important Patch Incoming!

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Author: Nicole
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Have you noticed that you’re missing Rewards that you’ve unlocked from recent in-game Events? Don’t worry, EA’s got you.

Missing Rewards

It seems that the recent Sims 4 patch which went out to prepare our games for the Autumn 2024 roadmap caused issues with some players, with simmers over multiple platforms reporting missing Rewards from both the Reaper’s Reward Event and the Happy At Home Event from earlier in the year.

On 18 September a thread was started on the EA forums due to the Event Rewards disappearing from the original poster’s Buy Catalog, and as of the time of this writing the thread has amassed 30 pages with many other players reporting the same problem. It’s affecting Xbox, Playstation, Mac, and PC, so everyone is vulnerable to the issue.

Yesterday, EA made a post on Twitter announcing an upcoming patch to fix the missing Rewards problem which should drop early next week:

How To Get Back Missing Rewards?

If you are affected by the issue of missing Rewards it should hopefully be rectified with the upcoming patch. However, if you’re impatient and want your Rewards available now, there are things you can try to get them back.

When the Happy At Home Rewards Event launched we shared tips on how to unlock the content early, which you can try to get back your missing Rewards for both Events:

  • Search your catalog by color, and the items may appear. It’s easier to find them if you choose the “Daily Rewards” tag in the search parameters as well, but you need a color swatch selected first. Black & brown should pull up most if not all Rewards in the catalog.
  • Check the Gallery for rooms that have been posted with the Rewards items. Many players have uploaded the pieces so they should be easy to find, and you can save the room to your own Gallery so you can pull it up every time you need to replace a missing items regardless of what lot you’re playing in. The eyedropper tool should still work on these items if you want to place multiples of something.
  • See if you can find CC versions of the items. While they carry the disadvantage of marking your lot as “modded,” you won’t ever have to worry about the items disappearing unless you delete the CC files. Simsiboy did CC versions of the Happy At Home Rewards as well as the CAS pieces from Reaper’s Rewards. This tip isn’t applicable to console users unfortunately.
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The EA Gallery has plenty of rooms with the missing Rewards.

Hang In There!

With the patch slated to come out next week your missing Rewards shouldn’t be an issue for long. If our tips above don’t work or aren’t applicable to you, you shouldn’t have to wait more than a few days to see them fixed. Unfortunately it’s unclear if completing Events now will allow the relevant Rewards to unlock properly once the issue is fixed, but it’s a great time to catch up if you haven’t started the Reaper’s Rewards Event just yet. Plus, we get our first look at the upcoming Life And Death EP in less than a week, so there’s something else to look forward to while you wait!

Have you experienced the missing Rewards issue? If so, what system are you playing on and have any of our tips helped get your missing goodies back? Let us know in the comments, and check back for more news about the issue as well as our thoughts on the Life And Death first look. Enjoy your weekend, and happy simming!

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole

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I've been playing The Sims since the first game launched way back in 2000 and have been using CC for over 20 years. As a creative person with an interest in design, The Sims games have always been a great outlet for me whether I'm creating a cool sim, trying a new build style, or dabbling in CC making. The Sims really is a wonderful medium for all sorts of creative outlets and I'm happy to share my enthusiasm with other like-minded players!

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