Want to know how to make Sims a super famous celebrity in The Sims 4? Read this glamourous guide!

Being a Celebrity In The Sims 4!
Rising to fame is no easy task, both in the real world and in The Sims 4. But the latter provides a variety of ways of taking the path to celebrity status! Launched in 2015, The Sims 4: Get Famous is the only expansion pack that focuses on celebrity life after The Sims: Superstar from the original The Sims title. Yes! 15 years later from the first celebrity Sims experience, EA finally gave us Simmers what we missed so much from our Sims gameplay—true, hard-earned fame! So today, we’re going to share how to turn our Sims into a superstar!
More on SNOOTYSIMS: The paparazzi, the fame, the glamour—your Sims can take over the world with their charisma and talent, but with a little help from these celebrity cheats for The Sims 4, they’ll become unstoppable!

What We Need to Know About Celebrity Life on The Sims 4
If we want our Sim to become a celebrity, we would have to understand how the system works first! That’s why we have gathered all we need to know to make our Sims rise to fame.
Getting Fame Points

The first thing we have to do to climb the ranks is to earn fame. To do that, we will have to complete actions that award our Sim with fame points. All such actions are marked with a green star symbol. The most obvious path to take is to have our sim participate in commercials. But that’s not all! Nearly every skill in the game has something to do with our Sim’s fame. The better they are at it, the more fame they will gain! However, the length of the task is important too. Small activities like singing or filming a TV spot will give our Sims enough points to rise through the first ranks. But, if we want to get the big points, they will have to do the big things. Completing a book, or filming a movie, will get them massive amounts of fame!
Different Ways to Earn Fame Points

Earning fame points is not too difficult because plenty of activities in the game can allow our Sims the chance to harvest these points. Some Sims can become clout chasers, doing particular activities simply for the reason of gaining fame with them. Others though are simply natural-born superstars, no matter what they do, they’re just meant to be famous! All in all, here are just some of the different ways to earn fame points in The Sims 4:
- Performing the following acts in public:
- Playing musical instruments
- Doing romantic or horror scenes
- Singing
- Doing comedy routines
- Casting spells
- Using werewolf skills
- Selling the following:
- Paintings
- Photographs
- Archaeological finds
- Writing and publishing a book.
- Writing songs and licensing them.
- Uploading vlogs and replying to vlog comments.
- Exploring space and visiting Sixam.
- Updating social media status.
The Celebrity Ranks

Once our Sims begin to rise through the ranks, they will get to reap the benefits of being a celebrity. As their fame increases, we will be able to choose Fame Perks for our sims. Beware though, because perks come with annoying quirks as well!
- Rank 1: Notable Newcomer. Our sim has made their first appearances and word is getting around. So, they are rewarded with one Fame Perk and might just develop one Fame Quirk.
- Rank 2: Rising Star. Our sim is starting to build a name for themselves. So, they will now have access to two more Fame Perks. They can now also sign autographs as a way to get fame! They can also organize a meet and greet with their fans.
- Rank 3: B-Lister. Finally, our Sim is starting to get some proper recognition. So, they now have access to two more perks. They can also unlock an additional quirk slot. Paparazzi will start following our Sims around. They can use the mirror to put on a celebrity disguise to get some privacy. They will also get access to their first Public Image perks.
- Rank 4: Proper Celebrity. Congrats, our Sim is now a proper celebrity! Two more Fame Perks will be unlocked and our sim will shine like a celebrity, literally! If we don’t like these visual effects, we can always click on our Sim to disable them.
- Rank 5: Global Superstar. Our Sim is now at the top of their game. They can now unlock three more Fame Perks and two Quirks. Since they got here so far, their fame decay rate is going to drop, letting them stay sparkling in the spotlight. They also can’t drop below Rank 3.
Public Image

Any publicity is good publicity, right? As a celebrity, our Sim’s actions are going to be judged by the public. Our Sim’s image starts at neutral and can sway towards good or bad. Doing nice actions will give them a good image, and accomplishing mischievous and mean actions will give them a bad one. Yup! Building upon the positive side can help them gain the much-coveted Pristine status, while maintaining negative actions can make them Atrocious! Gulp. To know more about this system, we can have a look at The Sims 4 fame perks here.
How to Make Our Sim a Celebrity In The Sims 4!

- Via Fame Points – As we have mentioned above, fame points are vital in becoming a celebrity in The Sims 4. Our Sims who earn fame points, especially in a consistent manner, and no matter which way, will be able to slowly climb their way to stardom.

- Via Cheats – The easiest way to become a celebrity in The Sims 4 is to use cheats. Follow the steps below!
- Click CTRL + Shift + C, and type in testingcheatstrue.
- Shift-click on the Sim, and select Pack Cheats>Expansion Packs>EP06 Get Famous>Public Image. From here, we can increase the fame to make our Sim a celebrity! We can keep increasing the fame if we want them to become instant Global Superstars. Likewise, we can also freeze or decrease their fame if we want to.
- By shift-clicking, we can also set their reputation from Pristine, all the way down to Atrocious.
Overall: Let’s Keep Our Sims Shining!

The Sims 4: Get Famous expansion pack is a fan favorite right now, all thanks to its realistic celebrity system. It gives us total freedom on how we want our Sims to get famous! Thus, we hope that this guide has helped us understand how this system works and we hope it will speed up the time we need to get our Sims to Global Superstar status. Happy simming, dear Simmers!
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