5-Step Tutorial on How to Create CC Tattoos for the Sims 4 (2023)

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Author: Lina
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If you’re one of us Simmers who’ve been using custom content for a long time, odds are you’ve also secretly wanted to try making it yourself. Imagine creating your own CC for the Sims 4… How incredibly rewarding would that feel? Well, you’re going to find out because this guide is just about to teach you how to make your own custom tattoos for the Sims 4!

Side note: it’s quite simple, you’ll be creating a ton of custom tattoos going forward 😉!

create cc tattoos
How to Create CC Tattoos for the Sims 4 – Full SnootySims Guide!

Is making custom content for the Sims 4 easy?

It may seem like you need a special set of skills to start making custom content for the Sims 4 and you’re probably right, but just not entirely. Of course, some things are harder than others; 3D objects like furniture, hair and clothes are a lot harder to make than 2D objects like tattoos, makeup and recolors (creating your own swatches).

The former actually require some first-hand knowledge of 3D modeling, and it can be fairly challenging for someone who hasn’t tried it before, speaking from experience :’). However, the latter is relatively easy, even for someone with little to no grahpic design skills.

So, if you really want to start making custom content for the Sims 4, creating CC tattoos is exactly where you need to take your first step. It’s straightforward, rewarding and will surely make you want to up your game bit by bit for what you could possibly come up with next!

Follow us on Pinterest for the latest tattoo CCs as well!

Let’s jump right to it then, shall we?

Let’s make them CC tattoos now! But what tools do I need?

Let’s just cut straight to the chase. You need two main tools to get this job done:

  1. You first need Sims 4 Studio (no other alternatives).
  2. You also need a photo editing software like Photoshop, GIMP, Pixlr Editor or any software of your choice.

Is that it? YES! Those two softwares will help you make your very first tattoo CC. Now let’s break this down into 5 main steps, shall we?

5-step Tutorial on How to make your first CC tattoo!

Step 1: Downloading & Installing Sims 4 Studio (for PC & Mac)

Both PC and Mac users can download the Sims 4 studio for free. There are respective versions for each operating system, so make sure you download the right one.

Scroll down to find a link to the zip file.

sims 4 studio download
Click on Zip to download the Sims 4 Studio

If you’re familiar with the installation process, you can just skip this part and jump straight to step 2. If not, go to your downloads folder, and extract the zip file wherever you wish, preferably in a new folder.

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Click extract to find the .exe file

Run the S4Studio application to install it on your device, then you should be good to go!

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Sims 4 Studio has a very neat layout, making it remarkably easy to follow tutorials like this. Here’s what it looks like:

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Step 2: Creating your .package file

On Sims 4 Studio, select “Create CAS Standalone”, then click on CAS.

create tattoo cc
Create CAS Standalone

From the drop down menu, click on “Tattoo, Upper Chest”, or any other tattoo really, it won’t matter. Then hit next.

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Pick any tattoo from the drop down menu!

This is going to be your .package file. Name it whatever you wish! Just make sure you add it to your mods folder, so you don’t have to worry about this later. Then hit save!

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Name your package file!

This is everything you need to do in Sims 4 Studio for now! Let’s move on to step 3.

Step 3: Preparing your Tattoo Design (UNLESH YOUR CREATIVITY)

Now we’ve come to the fun part. What ideas do you have for your first custom tattoo?

Download either of the previous body layouts and open it up in your photo editing software. I’ll be using Photoshop for demonstration.

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I chose the female body layout!

As you may have guessed, now it’s time to draw your tattoo design. You can always search for free PNGs on the internet or even just use the shape tool to mix and match, and the text tool to write anything as a tattoo. Find my example below!

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Prepare your tattoo design!

Yes, I’m aware of how this looks, but worry not; anything outside those grid lines won’t show up on your Sim 😉. I simply drew some lines on both arms, added a text and a PNG on the back, and then some tiny hearts on the collar bones.

Once you’re done with your design, you need to do 2 things:

  1. Uncheck the layout background layer to export your work as a transparent image
  2. Export your image as a PNG file
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Two final steps!

This is everything you need to do with your photo editing software. Let’s carry on to step 4!

Step 4: Importing your PNG to Sims 4 Studio

You’re a few seconds away from finalizing your tattoo package file! You only need to import your previously exported PNG. To do that, go back to Sims 4 Studio, from texture, select diffuse and then hit import, as shown below.

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Select your PNG and it should appear on your Sim just like so! Pretty simple, right? That’s literally about it. Now, don’t forget to save it, then launch your game and watch it in action!

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Don’t forget to save it!
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If you don’t like how it looks, you can go back and adjust, then import again until you’re satisfied with the outcome. By the way, you can zoom in and out and rotate the Sim to check your tattoo from all sides.

Step 5: Launch your game and test it out!

It should work perfectly in-game! What about yours?

Keep this in mind when creating CC tattoos!

  1. Your designs don’t always need to be in black. Feel free to add different swatches and different opacities to your package file. The more, the merrier, right?
  2. You can create full body tattoos and separate ones on different locations, you’re the master!
  3. On Sims 4 Studio, if you go to categories, you can actually change your package file’s age and gender flags.
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Explore 3 Tattoo CCs Created by SnootySims

We’ve started a Patreon account where we share custom content for the Sims 4. You can support us here.

Below is our compilation of the best tattoo CC finds for the Sims 4! 💗

Final words

How does it feel to have created your first custom content package for the Sims 4? Just the idea that you’re contributing to this game with your own CC is very satisfying to me, and I bet to you as well. We’ll be uploading more tutorials on how to make more custom content in the future, so make sure you follow us here and on social media. See you soon, simmers!

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Lina

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SnootySims @ Patreon

We've started making our own Custom Content (CC)! Check out our new stuff on our Patreon account and let us know what you think. Your support goes a long way in improving our site and creating even more awesome CC. Big thanks to all our supporters! It's you making all this possible! 🌟 Here's the link to our Patreon account!

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SnootySims is excited to offer their supporters an exclusive all-in-one file with their entire custom content (CC) collection, including furniture, decor, and tattoos.
This pack allows easy downloading of everything in just a few clicks as a special thank you.
While all items are available for free on Patreon, this bundle is designed for convenience. SnootySims deeply appreciates their supporters, whose backing makes their journey as CC creators possible.