Sims 4 CC Eyelashes Are Broken—Is There A Fix?

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Author: Nicole
5 based on 2 reviews

September 16 Update: We now have a tutorial linked on SNOOTYSIMS that not only shows you how to fix broken CC lashes, but also how to re-categorize them in CAS. You can read it here!

The newest update for The Sims 4 brought some good changes—and some not-so-good side effects. CC eyelashes are broken, and here’s everything we know so far about the situation.

CC Eyelashes Are Broken

Yesterday The Sims 4 had another update which fixed issues regarding crosspack compatibility between older DLC and Lovestruck. While it solved a lot of issues, there was an unpleasant side effect—CC eyelashes are broken.

If you use CC eyelashes you might notice that they’re now floating above the upper lash line. This is affecting nearly all CC eyelashes as far as we can tell, but vanilla EA lashes are unaffected.

CC Eyelashes Are Broken, But Why?

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Since this is a fairly recent development we’re still not 100% why lashes have suddenly shifted up. There was an issue that came up after the last update where sims’ eyes no longer close completely during poses or animations, even vanilla ones, so it seems that the addition of eyelashes has affected where the game assumes a sim’s eyes are.

Are There Any CC Eyelashes That Still Work Properly?


At this time we have confirmed that eye see you lashes by marso are working correctly, likely because they were made off the new EA lash base. If you know of other CC eyelash makers who have released newer lashes from the EA lash base, please leave a comment and let us (and other readers) know!

Thanks to a commenter we can confirm that TwistedCat’s recently updated lashes are working properly, however note that they are still textured in a way that will conflict with eyeglasses or rings. TwistedCat helpfully updated the lash thumbnails so you can tell which accessory they will conflict with.

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We’ve also been told by a helpful fan that Kijiko has started updating their lashes to work with the change as well. They have multiple lash versions on their website so make sure to read the description and verify that the ones you’re looking at are updated!

Can Broken CC Eyelashes Be Fixed At This Time?

Since this is a fairly recent development, there’s still a lot we don’t know about the cause of the broken lashes problem and therefore how to fix it. Tumblr user glitterberrysims has discovered so far that the CC eyelashes that previously occupied the Eyeglasses slot in CAS are having problems because glasses no longer support the uv_1 channel, so it’s safe to assume there’s a similar problem in the makeup and jewelry categories where other CC eyelashes lived previously.

Glitterberrysims has come up with a fix for CC eyelashes that take up the Eyeglasses slot. This fix requires Sims 4 Studio and Blender, with at least a moderate level of experience in each. We do not advise trying this method if you’re inexperienced in either program.

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If you have any questions about this method please reach out to glitterberrysims directly; we are providing this fix for informational purposes only and have not tried it ourselves.

What To Do About Broken CC Eyelashes

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If you’re not comfortable with the aforementioned fix or use lashes that are housed outside of the Eyeglasses slot, what can you do? At this point with it being so early, there isn’t much to be done besides wait. Modders are already aware of the situation and trying to figure out a fix, and no doubt EA is being hit with complaints about the issue. Please be patient and don’t attack CC makers for not coming up with a fix fast enough.

You can continue using your CC lashes for now, they just won’t look 100% correct and that’s okay, it’s only a cosmetic problem and shouldn’t affect your gameplay. If it really bothers you, switch to EA’s eyelashes for the time being or use one of the updated CC versions we’ve listed above. Subscribe/follow your favorite CC lash makers if you’re not already so you’ll hear about fixes as soon as they come out!

To Learn More…

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If you want to keep on top of the latest updates from EA regarding the issue, check out their News and Updates section or follow @thesimsdirect on X/Twitter.

And of course, keep it here at SNOOTYSIMS for new info once the situation has been fixed!

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole

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I've been playing The Sims since the first game launched way back in 2000 and have been using CC for over 20 years. As a creative person with an interest in design, The Sims games have always been a great outlet for me whether I'm creating a cool sim, trying a new build style, or dabbling in CC making. The Sims really is a wonderful medium for all sorts of creative outlets and I'm happy to share my enthusiasm with other like-minded players!

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4 thoughts on “Sims 4 CC Eyelashes Are Broken—Is There A Fix?”

  1. I haven’t had any problems with the eyelashes created by TwistedCat. They all seem to be working great in my game.


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