Jenn Eyeshadow by MSQSIMS

Makeup CC is very underrated, in comparison to hair or clothes custom content, at least. If you really want to exceptionally personalize your Sims, you've got to try these makeup CC packs that Snootysims has for you today. The list includes eyeshadows, eyeliners, highlighters, lipsticks, and all kinds of blush and contour!
Do you like that long floral hair? Download it and other alpha hair CC from here!
More on SnootySims: Sims 4 freckles and moles CC packs!
This set has 8 BGC items for us. They include 3 eyeliners, 2 eyeshadows, a lip gloss and a blush.
If you like that hair by the way, you have to check our dedicated list for maxis match hair CC here, or click the image below.
Have a look at some of the coolest piercing CCs for the Sims 4!
What did you think? Skin details and makeup CC can add so much to a Sim's general look and feel. I think I've only realized this late, but as the saying goes, better late than never. If you're looking for some skin details and body CC, definitely check out SnootySims' main collection here.