The Best Sims 4 Parenthood Cheats To Make Things Easier

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Author: Alexandra
5 based on 1 reviews

Welcome to our guide on Sims 4 Parenthood Cheats!

Parenthood is no easy task! Even sims can get their hands full with it. Toddlers can be the wildest of creatures, especially when they throw tantrums. However, most sim parents consider things to be rather easy at first. So, they are quick to buy cool baby crib cc for their little ones to complete their nurseries! Don’t worry though, we have got you covered. We have created the ultimate list of Sims 4 Parenthood Cheats! Now, you won’t have to worry about your child anymore. With these, you can change their traits, values, and skills!

Want to make your little ones extra cute? Check out our Sims 4 Toddler Hair!

What are the best Sims 4 Parenthood Cheats?

For your convenience, we’re going to split this guide into sections. These sections will cover everything you might need! Except for our Toddler Mods & CC of course! Keep reading to find exactly what you’re looking for.

In order to use most of these, you will need to have cheats eanbled for your game. All you need to do is to press Ctrl + Shift + C and type in the cheat bar “testingcheats true” and finally hit enter.

Sims 4 Parenthood Skill Cheat

To start, we’re going to talk about this expansion’s main skill, parenting. This skill will help sims to calm down their kids and teach them values. So, it’s important to have it high enough to unlock everything the expansion can offer!

To change it, simply type in “stats.set_skill_level adultmajor_parenting X“. Then, change X to the level you want your sim’s skill to be on, from 1 to 10. Once you hit enter, the sim you’re controlling will have that level of parenting!

Are your looking for more skill cheats? Then check out our Sims 4 Skill Cheats guide!

Childhood Phases Cheats

This expansion introduced a very unique thing called phases. Children can get them randomly and they result in funny situations, like your little one dressing like a bear! They won’t even keep their amazing Sneakers CC on!

You can only use these if your child isn’t already going through a phase. So, to make a child exit a phase, simply type in “traits.remove_trait” and hit enter.

  • Bear phase – traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_bear
  • Clingy phase – traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_clingy
  • Distant phase – traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_distant
  • Loud phase – traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_loud
  • Mean Streak – traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_meanstreak
  • Picky Eater phase – traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_pickyeater_A
  • Rebellious phase – traits.equip_trait childhoodphase_rebellious

Chracter Value Level Cheats

The Sims 4 Parenthood introduced a values system that we also have cheats for! However, these cheats work for teens or younger sims, since they’re they only ones that have those levels. Also, you can use these cheats to make their levels lower too!

These cheats work in a scale from -100 to 100, going from bad to good. So, this means that neutral is set to 0. All you have to do is change the X at the end to a number of your liking!

  • Conflict Resolution – stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_conflictresolution X
  • Emotional Control – stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_emotionalcontrol X
  • Empathy – stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_empathy X
  • Manners – stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_manners X
  • Responsibility – stats.set_stat lifeskillstatistic_responsibility

Character Value Trait Cheats

With this expansion, once a teen becomes a young adult they can receive a number of traits based on their values. However, if they’re not in range for anything, they’ll get nothing. With these cheats you can make any adult sims receive these traits!

  • Bad Manners – traits.equip_trait BadManners
  • Good Manners – traits.equip_trait GoodManners
  • Irresponsible – traits.equip_trait Irresponsible
  • Responsible – traits.equip_trait LifeSkills_Responsible
  • Argumentative – traits.equip_trait Argumentative
  • Mediator – traits.equip_trait Mediator
  • Uncontrolled – traits.equip_trait Uncontrolled
  • Emotional Control – traits.equip_trait EmotionalControl
  • Compassionate – traits.equip_trait Compassionate
  • Insensitive – traits.equip_trait LifeSkills_Unfeeling

We hope that you liked today’s Sims 4 Parenthood cheats! Sims 4 is a game that is about relaxing and having fun, so there’s no shame in cheating. So, if you’re looking for more cheats you can check out our Sims 4 Toddler Cheats! Or, you can even visit our Sims 4 Cheats page. Whatever you might be looking for, we have it. So, did you like today’s cheats? Or did they cause any funny issues in your game? Let us know all about it down in the comments!

Happy Simming!

Looking for something interesting? Check out our guide on having the best Sims 4 birthday party!

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2 thoughts on “The Best Sims 4 Parenthood Cheats To Make Things Easier”

  1. Holy heavens to Betsy! Thank you SOOO much for that “end childhood phase” cheat. I was about ready to remove a kid from my family because of that stupid bear costume she wouldn’t stop being sad about.


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