MONEY Cheats for The Sims 4 (2023): Motherlode and more Codes

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Author: Nicolas
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Ever heard of “motherlode” or “rosebud“? Ever wanted to get unlimited money in the Sims 4? While there are many ways to make money in the game, sometimes you just need a little boost to get things started. In this post, we’ll be discussing some of the best money cheats for The Sims 4. With these in your toolkit, you’ll be able to fill your Sims’ wallets with lots of Simoleons in no time!

sims 4 money cheat

Is There a Money Cheat in Sims 4?

The short answer is an emphatic Yes! The Sims 4 isn’t like any other game in the world. First of all, it’s a simulation of real life with a mix of fantasy elements. Most of the time, we follow our Sims as they’re trying to live their day-to-day lives. But second, cheating is totally allowed in Sims 4, and you can use cheats to make your Sims’ lives easier and better (it saves you time too). This also includes the Sims 4 money cheat.

The Sims 4 doesn’t have just one money cheat. In fact, there are multiple different cheats connected with simoleons in one way or another. There’s a cheat that simply adds 1,000 Simoleons to your funds. But there’s also a cheat that automatically pays your household bills for you. Continue reading for a full list of money cheats!

And so, the question now is:

How do I use money cheats in Sims 4? And why?

Money is a big problem in The Sims 4 if you don’t know how to make some. Simoleons are needed for nearly everything in the game, from purchasing the building elements to buying in-game items from your Sims. And unless you’re planning to only build houses in Sims 4, you’re going to need bucks for one thing or another.

Look, everyone plays the game differently, and everybody has different goals and pleasure points. However, the fact is that Simoleons are needed just as much as dollars, and euros are needed in the real world. Everything costs money in The Sims 4, and you better know how to earn them if you don’t like using cheats.

In any way, I’m here to tell you that using a money cheat in Sims 4 can be a quick and painless solution to your financial problems. 

Here’s everything you need to know about activating and using money cheats in this game!

How to Enable Cheats in Sims 4?

Before we do any cheating in Sims 4, we need to do so prepping.

By default, cheats are disabled when you first install or launch Sims 4. This is because the developers intended for us to play the game without cheats. However, they also implemented cheats for us to use when things go south, and we need help.  

And so, the first thing you need to do for using any cheat in Sims 4 is to actually enable cheats. Luckily for us, turning on cheats in this game is freaking easy. It doesn’t matter on which platform you’re playing The Sims 4, anybody can enable cheats in just a minute. And if you’ve never done it, here are detailed steps to guide you through the whole process!

Enabling Cheats on PC:

  1. Launch The Sims 4.
  2. Press and hold the SHIFT + CTRL + C combination on your keyboard. This should trigger the cheat console box to pop up in the top left corner of your screen.
  3. When you’re ready to type, insert “testingcheats true” or “testingcheats on” in the command console box. It doesn’t make a difference which one you type because they have the same function.
  4. Press ENTER. You’ll immediately receive a warning message stating that cheats are now enabled in your game. You should also know that earning achievements is also disabled, simply because it would be ridiculously easy to get them by using cheats.
  5. Continue adding other cheats. This includes the Sims 4 money cheat.

enabling cheats on Mac, PS4 and Xbox One:

Follow the same procedure and only swap the CTRL + SHIFT + C combination for CMD + SHIFT + C on a Mac, or R1, R2, L1, and L2 (the 4 triggers) on a console. 

For more information, check this detailed guide on how to enable/turn on cheats.

A List of All Sims 4 Money Cheats

If you’ve successfully enabled cheats in The Sims 4, it’s time to use a money cheat. But like I mentioned above, there isn’t just one money cheat. Instead, you have multiple different options, and you can choose which cheat works the best for you. 

Here are all the money cheats in Sims 4, what they do, and how you can use them.

  • rosebud – adds 1,000 simoleons to your funds.
  • kaching – adds 1,000 simoleons to your funds.
  • motherlode – adds 50,000 simoleons to your funds.
  • money x – adds an X amount of money to your funds.
Sims 4 Money Cheats Tutorial *Don’t forget to subscribe ^^*

What’s the best money cheat for the sims 4?

Since there are multiple money cheats, you can choose them based on what you need in a given situation. For example, if you’re building a house and you simply need 1,000 simoleons to buy a chair and a table, it’s best to use the “rosebud” or “kaching” cheat. But if you need simoleons for an entirely new build, “motherlode” is the way to go.

I’d definitely say that “motherlode” is the overall best money cheat in Sims 4. By only inserting it once, you get enough simoleons (50,000 bucks) to purchase a property and start a family. Of course, if you’re building your dream mansion in the game, you might need to retype “motherlode” a couple of times, but nothing is stopping you.

In the end, using the “money x” cheat is also a great option in case you want unlimited money in Sims 4. Typing and getting the exact number of simoleons you want is honestly great. But this cheat is also useful for getting just a little bit of money when you need it. If you’re anything like me, then the idea of having billions of simoleons isn’t that attractive to you. And adding 500 is sometimes just enough.

How to Make 1,000,000 Simoleons?

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Make a million Simoleons in the Sims 4!

There are so many ways to becoming a millionaire in the Sims 4! You could always walk down the long road of having a career, waiting for your Sim to get promoted and just building your way up one step after another. But then you could also use an awesome shortcut, like the money x cheat!

With this cheat, you can instantly add 1M Simola to your household funds. Just follow the same procedure as explained earlier.

  1. Enable cheats
  2. Type Money 1000000
  3. Congrats (Your Sim is now a millionaire!)

How to Delete Money in Sims 4?

When you have so much money in Sims 4, you sometimes think of deleting some. There are a couple of reasons why you’d want to remove money in Sims 4. For example, you could get tired of your Sims being billionaires. Instead, you’d like them to work for their stuff now and earn them.

Well, how do we delete money in Sims 4?

The quickest way to do this is to use the last cheat we talked about – “money x.” By having the option to set ANY number with this cheat, you can also type something like “5”. This will set your overall funds at 5 Simoleons. And so, if you have millions and millions of simoleons in Sims 4, you can remove them by typing “money 1000” in the command console box.

The other way to do this is to use cheat extensions, which are often script mods with a ton of different options. The most popular of them is the MC Command Center, which contains many useful tools for Sims 4. 

If you’re already using MCCC, then you can simply remove money by clicking a few things. But I still think that using the “money x” is better and quicker than installing anything new.

Other Helpful Cheats About Managing Your Money

In Sims 4, there are tons of other cheats. What makes me particularly happy is the fact that there are cheats that aren’t directly connected with adding money to your Sims 4 funds. However, they really help you manage your spendings, especially if you’re concerned about keeping the flow of your gameplay. 

1. Free Real Esatate Cheat

For example, buying a lot or a house in Sims 4 costs a lot of Simoleons. In fact, you’ll spend the majority of your starting funds on buying or building a home for your Sims. And if you get the house you really want, you might not have enough money to continue playing. Well, here’s what you can do in that case!

  • freerealestate on – makes all the lots and houses in Sims 4 completely free.
  • freerealestate off – returns the regular prices of all lots and houses in Sims 4.

This is a super-useful cheat to use when you’re first starting a family of Sims. It lets you choose a house without spending money on it. And instead, you can save your simoleons for decorations or something else.

2. Auto Pay Bills Cheat

Once you get a home in Sims 4, you’ll also need to pay bills every week. The cost of bills varies from house to house and the amount of electricity or water your Sims are spending on a weekly basis. Here’s how to avoid paying for bills.

  • household.autopay_bills true – makes it so you’ll stop receiving bills.
  • household.autopay_bills false – turns all of your bills back on.

So, if you’re tired of giving your money away on bills, use this cheat!

Here’s how the money cheats work on Playstation!


And there you have it! All these money cheats can make your life much easier in Sims 4. Not only does money allow you to build whatever you want, but it also removes all of the other worries. You have different options when it comes to adding simoleons to your funds (motherlode, kaching, etc.). But in the end, it’s up to use which money cheat you’re going to use!

Make sure to also try the free real estate cheat and the cheat for skipping bills in Sims 4. Especially if you’re struggling with money in the game, they can help out a lot!

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Hi there! I’m Nicolas, your fellow Simmer who also happens to be the force simmering behind SNOOTYSIMS. I can’t believe it has been nearly 20 years since I created the very first Sims fan site. Time just flies by, doesn’t it? I’ve always loved writing about the Sims games and being part of its community has never ceased to be my personal thrill.

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