Is The Sweet Slumber Party Creator Kit Missing Items?

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Author: Nicole
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If you bought The Sweet Slumber Party Creator Kit based on early leaks, you might be feeling like something is missing…and you’re right.

Sweet Slumber Party Kit Missing Items

Just a few days ago the newest DLC for The Sims 4 was released, marking the launch of the first full-fledged Creator Kits. These Kits are unique in that they’re created entirely by simmers in the modding community, and one of the new offerings is the Sweet Slumber Party Kit created by Trillyke.

We recently posted a preview of the content we were expecting from these Kits as datamined by community member Anadius, who has routinely shared upcoming content prior to launch. Until now, the data they’ve shared has been incredibly accurate. It seems like EA snuck in a curve ball though, leaving many simmers confused and feeling like there’s something missing.

What’s Missing From Sweet Slumber Party?

When we first shared the preview of upcoming content for this Kit it was noted that the amount of content was much higher than usual, with 50 new pieces expected. If you count masc/femme versions of each piece as a single unit we’re still looking at 35 new items, but with the Kit officially out now there are only 27 that show as included from the EA store.

One Redditor even posted about the situation where they expressed surprise that more people aren’t talking about it. As many commenters pointed out though the initial leaks were just that—leaks—and not official information. So, we can’t fault EA here for setting up the wrong expectations because in this case they didn’t actually do anything wrong. But, that still begs the question: where’s the rest of the stuff?

The Missing Items

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It looks like the pieces we’re missing are pieces that I initially pointed out as feeling very out of place for the Kit, so it’s not entirely shocking that they were omitted. A pair of sunglasses, silky-looking suit pieces for both genders, and three pairs of high-heeled shoes are not present in the official release despite being datamined as part of the Creator Kit.

Where is this stuff, and how can players get it? Were these additional creations by Trillyke that were cut from the final release, or CC creations she was working on separately that accidentally ended up with the data? Is this perhaps EA-made content that was included for an upcoming Event or base game update? It should also be noted that in every post she has made about the Creator Kit, there have never been any images that included the missing content.

Trillyke's response regarding missing items from Sweet Slumber Party

“I haven’t made any heels for a my kit (would be a rather odd choice for a sleepover if you ask me) so I have no information on that, sorry.”


I reached out to Trillyke directly for some insight on the missing pieces and she confirmed that the content was not hers. This only further contributes to the mystery! We’re definitely going to have to keep our eyes peeled in the coming months to see if these 7 items eventually make an appearance, and with there being no overt theming to these pieces it’s anybody’s guess where they might slot into future content drops.

Final Thoughts

We’d love to hear your input on this situation! Did you purchase the Sweet Slumber Party Creator Kit and if so, was the datamined content part of your decision to purchase? Are there any of the missing pieces that are a must-have for you? Or do you think the final release is good, as these other items were off-theme anyway? Let us know your thoughts in the comments and keep it here at SnootySims for more news!

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole

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I've been playing The Sims since the first game launched way back in 2000 and have been using CC for over 20 years. As a creative person with an interest in design, The Sims games have always been a great outlet for me whether I'm creating a cool sim, trying a new build style, or dabbling in CC making. The Sims really is a wonderful medium for all sorts of creative outlets and I'm happy to share my enthusiasm with other like-minded players!

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