Get Ready to Explore These Awesome Newcrest Ideas!

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Author: Lina
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So you’ve downloaded the world of Newcrest into Sims 4 and you’re stuck for ideas? Here are some ideas and inspiration to help you let your creativity shine, in the world of Newcrest. Here you can create whole neighborhoods! Don’t be scared – go for it!

Newcrest Ideas

Unleash Your Creativity with these Newcrest ideas!

Newcrest is a whole new world for Sims 4. To get the World of Newcrest you have to download the update. The amazing thing is that here, you will be able to build whatever you want in the new area! By leaving it empty the creators felt this would allow Simmers to let their creativity shine.

Newcrest Ideas

They have seen simmers building more than just houses, clubs, and parks – some have been going all out and building entirely new neighborhoods! Here I will present some of the players’ creations to inspire you. There’s no longer any need to limit yourself. You can now create the neighborhood you desire. Here is my guide to Sims 4 Newcrest ideas.

Ideas for Newcrest neighborhoods

Newcrest Ideas

At first, you need to have a look around your own neighborhood. What do you have that you would like to recreate in Newcrest? Homes, gardens, Parks, Shops, Libraries, Gyms, Art centers, Museums, Coffee shops, etc. I found an interesting resource for Newcrest in the form of a gallery where Simmers have uploaded their ideas too. You will find this Gallery here.

Within this Gallery there are some amazing creations, just showing what can be done. Sometimes the best way to spark our own creative faculties is by looking at others’ work. However, to make things easier I have selected my favorite neighborhoods to share with you as well, with lots that can be downloaded.

1. Deligracy’s Neighbourhood

Newcrest Ideas

The Amazing Deligracy has created a contemporary, Australian-themed neighborhood called “Stone Essence”. She started with 2 moderate homes and moved on to 3 larger homes. This amazing build with its swimming pool feature and walkway above is just part of her creation.

This build has a sculptural feel, with a touch of the wow factor. Deligracy has a YouTube channel that shares her work further. This can be found here.

2. Simply Ruthless

Newcrest Ideas

Simply Ruthless has created some amazing houses for Newcrest that can be downloaded from her blog. Above is, Contempo series No 2. It was inspired by a real-life neighborhood in Austin, Texas, that has a modern, contemporary look. In her own words, the Contempo series has: “A good mix of sizes and affordability: 2 starters, 2 family homes under $40k, and a large legacy home under $100k.”

Can you find inspiration from your own environment? Think about what amazing unique homes you could design. Or if not, at least you can download one of these amazing houses to start you off with your Sims 4 Newcrest ideas.

Find Simply Ruthless and her download links here

3. Vixella

Newcrest Ideas

Vixella has done an amazing job creating homes and a neighborhood with a nice warm suburban feeling. Perfect for new families and those looking to be part of a community.

Vixella has done many houses and they can be viewed on her popular YouTube channel where you can find loads of advice and inspiration for your own builds. She shares a step-by-step view from start to finish. From her basic foundation, you can let your creativity go wild within the structure she can help you start with. Here is a link to her channel.

4. Plummysims – mushildasims

Newcrest Ideas
I had to include this cute little house, Cees Wolters’s House, 19 Bridgeview Street, for inspiration. It looks like a fairytale house or the house of the three bears in Goldilocks! This is designed by Alesya Mukhina, of Mushildasims. It is downloadable in a Newcrest pack, put together by Plummy Sims. Link to follow.

5. Pumped up kids: Gym

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What’s a neighborhood without a gym? Here’s a great martial arts eastern-styled gym design. I just love it, it has a zen-like quality that is as much about peace, serenity, and balance, as action. This is part of the Newcrest pack by Plummysims, so can easily be added to your ideas folder for Sims 4 Newcrest.

6. Artstivity Hub: Arts Centre

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This has to be my favorite creation so far. A super creative art center. I just love all the imagination gone into this, and the natural theme that brings beauty to the build. I would love to see something like this in real life! Not only in Sim world, but it’s also wonderful and a perfect addition to your Sims 4 Newcrest ideas. Also in Plummy Sims pack.

7. Breeze of Newcrest Park

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So all Sims need somewhere to play and hang out outside, don’t they? This park is amazing. It has a small pool with sun loungers, a kids’ play area, a recreation space, and cool fairground lights for those evening strolls. Available for download in the Plummysims pack.

8. Free Throw Lane: Basketball Court

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A park is nice, but Sims also needs a place to get some full exercise and get those competitive vibes going! This basketball court is a really cool addition to your Sims 4 Newcrest ideas. With all of these amazing builds that are part of the PlummySims save file, you will get a huge head start in creating your own Newcrest neighborhood.

9. Sip & Sing Cafeoke: Karaoke, Bar, Café

Newcrest Ideas
Wow! A cafe/bar WITH karaoke! This is where the fun could start for your Sims. Imagine them booking meetings here with friends and going on a date! Why not make an afternoon of it and ride bikes there, and safely park them in the bike rack? It’s a really well-thought-out design, with a quirky touch. This is part of the PlummySims pack.

10. Splash of Newcrest pool

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Finally, what is a neighborhood without a pool? and not just any old pool either! This pool is community-based, with areas to hang out and even some swings for the kids. This is my last selection to share, from the Plummysims file.

Download Plummysims Savefile

Access the Plummysims file here. She has done an amazing job at compiling all of these items and many more, into one save file. They really do set you up for a great starter neighborhood, well, actually with a more advanced look.

Final words

I hope you have enjoyed finding out about all of these ideas, and as well as making things easier, I hope they also inspire you to create your own and go all out in Newcrest.

If you would like to find out more about Newcrest, please follow this link, here, for background details of what Newcrest is all about.

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