Exterior Walls CC For Home Design You Will Love

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Author: Jovanna
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Need something new for your home facade? When building Sims 4 homes, exterior walls CC can come in handy, particularly when you are inspired by real-life architecture. Keep reading to discover the best exterior walls custom content you can download for TS4!

SnootySims Exterior Walls CC Finds

exterior walls CC: concrete, bricks, wood, paint & more!

In Sims 4, there are no clear-cut rules when building homes. All furniture, decor, walls, and floors can be used both for interiors and exteriors – if we chose to do so! However, while we can make silly homes with unicorn wallpapers and neon colors, building a realistic home requires special textures and different patterns. While choosing wallpaper for interiors can be a little easier, real-looking facades in Sims 4 require special materials.

That is when custom content comes into the picture. We have selected top wall CC to help you build beautiful homes in various styles – from rustic to modern, including materials such as concrete, wood, or bricks.

This is our ultimate list of exterior walls CC. Welcome aboard, and have fun!

AlphaCraft Creations: Simple Siding Wallpaper Set (#Builds, #Wallpapers)

257376 simple siding wallpaper set sims4 featured image

Simspiration’s Provencal Charm: Alphacc Brick Wall Builds & Wallpapers

336425 provence brick wall by simspirationbuilds sims4 featured image

PlatinumLuxElegance: Rustic Stone Walls & Foundations (AlphaCC, Builds, Wallpapers)

321468 rustic stone walls matching foundation by platinumluxesims sims4 featured image

SimspirationBuilds’ Nessa: Masterful Concrete Stucco Walls (#AlphaCC, #Builds)

342796 nessa concrete stucco wall by simspirationbuilds sims4 featured image

Annett’s Architectural Artistry: Crumbled Walls (Sims 4 Alpha CC Builds)

338740 crumbled walls by annettssims4welt sims4 featured image

SimspirationBuilds’ Artisanal Ensemble (Concrete, Wood Blocks, Walls & Floors) #AlphaCC #Builds

316475 concrete wood blocks walls floors by simspirationbuilds sims4 featured image

AlphaCraft Creations: Innovative Bamboo Walls (#AlphaCC, #Builds)

104041 bamboo walls sims4 featured image

Starboard Wooden Walls & Strangerville Parapet Retexture by Amoebae


Castle Kit Windle – Build Set for Castles: Walls, Floors, Rooves


Complete your castle builds in the game by utilizing the walls, floors, and roofs of this Build Set! Every piece will fit with your medieval-themed creations in the game.

FOLKLORE – Skanzen Set (Arch/ Doors/ Roof Trims / Windows/ Walls) [MM]

FOLKLORE - Skanzen Set

Rusty Container Walls

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For many years now, we’ve seen how container vans have been repurposed into creative buildings and houses in real life. Well, we could do this too in The Sims 4 through this Rusty Container Walls mod from Lumenniveus! The rusty layers make these walls look ultra-authentic!

Paris Set Collection ( Exterior / Interior / Doors / Windows / Stone Walls ) [MM]

paris set part 1

Country Barn House Collection ( Walls/ Floor / Window / Door / Roof / Spandrels ) [MM]

orjanic part one harrie

a la ferme wood & stone walls by syboulette

A la fermeset wf preview1

Suburban homes will never look better thanks to this lovely pack of exterior walls CC. The combo includes stone and brick walls, panels, wood, and blocks. With them also come matching floors and terrain paints, so no worries about finding a perfect floor match! You can get these walls for free here.

half life 2 rusty & industrial walls

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Metal exterior walls are much more than trailer or container walls. In the hands of a creative soul, they can easily be used for building an industrial design paradise. This realistic set includes a bunch of awesome metal textures converted from TS2. Besides metal, you will also find masonry, paneling, paint, and brick that are equally as versatile. To get these rusty walls, go here.

realistic exterior plaster walls

ADV Mabra s4WallSet79 2

You can never be wrong when choosing simple solid color walls. This set of exterior walls CC includes 6 paint colors with 6 different textures. These are the type of walls you most commonly find on homes built in the past decade, and you will love how realistic they look. Even painters would agree these look incredibly realistic. To download, follow this link.

starboard parapet and matching walls

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If you admire the beauty of old American homes, like those Victorian ones from San Francisco, these wallpapers are so for you! They are recolored and retextured walls from the base game. Such wooden walls are great vintage options if you love the aesthetics of old homes. Check out these exterior walls cc here!

realistic concrete ”NOVA” walls by Minerva

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Designing a concept luxury home requires bravery. This concrete wall set will allow you to build minimal and industrial homes with ease. You will get seven concrete textures, including rectangular and vertical patterns. With these swatches up your sleeve, you can build an abandoned building or a rich home. To get the set go to this page and scroll to the end of the post!

set with Matching walls & floors

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If you love industrial interiors with white painted bricks, you will fall in love with these 9 exterior walls. This exterior walls CC set offers rustic wood and old brick walls, ideal for creating modern art gallery-like interiors, but also fascinating exteriors, especially if you plan on building a cabin or avant-garde architectural masterpieces. To get this one, go here!

stone & solid color walls by DescargasSims

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A little montage house needs a facade like this as much as any big mansion does. These walls are a blend of stone and solid walls and are perfect facade choices for the ground floor. There are fantastic 48 swatches included, so you can blend stone with light and dark, neutral or intense colors. If you’d love to experiment with these exterior walls cc, download them here!

Walls & Foundations by Aifirsasims

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This simple collection of walls & foundations features several combinations of red or grey brick and wooden slats to mix and match for the perfect ultramod exterior. The webpage is in Russian but the download button is a big blue rectangle so it’s hard to miss even if you don’t understand what’s written!

Shojoangel’s Sanctuary: Exquisite Walls & Floor Set 10 (AlphaCC Builds)

307246 walls and floor set 10 by shojoangel sims4 featured image

PlatinumLuxElegance: Enchanting Wood Cabin Walls (AlphaCC & Builds)

316999 wood cabin walls by platinumluxesims sims4 featured image


This was a list of versatile facade choices you can add to your swatches list. We have included various styles for different designs and preferred home styles. Feel free to browse them, download and experiment with them all you like. Enjoy!

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