Are you one of those Simmers who have issues with their game? Well, here’s good news for you! The Sims Team is addressing *all*of our concerns in this upcoming game update fix!

Do you often encounter various issues while playing? If so, we have some fantastic news for you! The Sims Team have announced that they are currently *investigating* and hoping to resolve all of our issues to the upcoming game update (Is this coming along with the Horse Ranch EP?). The Team is aware that there’s still a lot of issues that were reported on their Answers HQ. Well, shoutout to all the awesome Simmers who consistently report issues that need to be addressed. Your vigilance is greatly appreciated!
Check out the awesome rundown of community concerns they’re currently investigating and planning to address in this month’s game update.
⭕Sims washing hands in sink in different bathroom
Source: The Sims Team
⭕“Items Removed” pop-up appears when no items removed
⭕Invention Constructor animation broken/ No Animation
⭕Animals age up and die, though animal aging is toggled off/disabled in the game settings
⭕[Legacy](Missing animation) Invent constructor – Robot does not move or react
⭕Doctor Sim can’t calibrate the x-ray machines.
⭕On changing Phone color, Sims went to Work/school return to Home lot when one of HH Sim travels to other lots and returns to Home
⭕Wants/Fears: Wants are very repetitive
⭕Visual glitch when placing a round platform over another surface
⭕Cannot sell on Trendi and also Last exception appeared when Sim cannot ship to the buyer
⭕Sims on changing phone color returns to Home lot from work/school places without completion of work/school hours on saving and Loading Game
⭕Hair texture bleeding on Sim’s ears
⭕Mermaid Sims do not die by starvation or by aging up
⭕Chickens sometimes don’t eat treat
⭕[Save Specific] Eco Inspector still fines Sim’s lot even though all the appliances are upgraded
⭕Sim unable to socialize with the rabbit
⭕Cross Stitch is available as a Club Activity even though it cannot be performed autonomously
⭕Abducted male Sims do not get pregnant
⭕Non-Henford Sims constantly mention how are the people in Henford
⭕Cow and LIama’s are not coming out from shed until they are called out and they are unhappy even if Animal shed is clean and refiled with feed
⭕Carnaval Radio Station and Batuu Radio Stations are not available as an option in the “Music Genre“ category of “Likes and Dislikes“ in CAS.
⭕Game hangs or game sound is not heard when audio output is disconnected while playing the game
⭕“Moon textures“ is same in all the worlds after the lunar cycle
⭕Can’t delete interior corner walls with Stilt foundation
In summary, we hope the team will fix the issues and bugs and make the gameplay better before the Horse Ranch Expansion Pack will be released. If there’s another issue you want to address, you can report it to their Answer HQ!