The Best Laundry CC & Mods for The Sims 4

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Author: Nicolas
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A Laundry room is very essential in a household where you do your own laundry at home. It should be cozy, it should be practical, but it should also be beautiful. It should have all the necessary things a laundry room requires. The décor of the room should be minimal and should not come in the way while someone is doing their laundry. Different planters, hooks and paintings work well to save up space. These mods are different from each other and will cater to the busy urban lifestyle to modern minimalist and fancy taste.

SnootySims Laundry CC Finds

Laundry Fever Set by SNOOTYSIMS

SNOOTYSIMS - Laundry Fever

Presenting “Laundry Fever Set” – out latest cc set with 32 items! Cabinets, clutter, functional washing machine, dryer and even functional ironing table!

What’s included:

~ Cabinets
~ Decor/Clutter
~ Sink
~ Iron Decor
~ Washing Machine (Functional & Decor)
~ Dryer (Functional)
~ Hamper (Functional & Decor)
~Clothesline Decor
~ Rug
~ Chair

In game screenshot:


Artful Abode: Refresh Your Space with Laundry Day SP & Parenthood EP Decor Essentials

219465 repainting items laundry day sp parenthood ep sims4 featured image

SparkleWash Chronicles: Unveiling Loads o’ Laundry 2.0 (Accessories & Essentials)

339055 loads o laundry 2 0 sims2 featured image

Laundry Lagoon: Essential Accessories for Your Washing Wonders (Alphacc Featured)

297955 loads o laundry sims2 featured image

Sparkle Suds Saga (Laundry Day Leftovers BB No.26 – Accessories & Objects Galore)

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Pocci’s Pristine Pack: Compact Laundry Mini Set for Chic Home Decor (#Accessories #LaundryObjects)

272803 laundery mini set by pocci sims4 featured image

WhimsyWash: GisHeld Laundry Hamper (Kids’ Bedroom & Bathroom Accessory)

318234 gisheld laundry hamper sims4 featured image

AlphaCC Elegance: Revolutionizing Laundry with Style & Function

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Ye Olde Washery: Medieval Sim Tailor’s Historical Laundry Accessories (AlphaCC)

261722 for your historical laundry by medieval sim tailor sims4 featured image

DiabolicalSims’ Magic Wash: Functional Laundry Additives (Accessories & Alpha CC Objects)

156735 diabolicalsims functional laundy additives sims4 featured image

Suds Symphony: Elevate Your Sims 4 Experience with Chic Laundry Accessories & Decor

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CoatiSims Sparkle: Ariel Detergent Pods & Gel (Singles & Bulk) – Laundry Essentials

233846 ariel laundry detergent pods gel singles bulk by coatisims sims4 featured image

Alphacc Elegance: Chic 4T2 Jomo Laundry Set (Accessories & Essentials)

322098 4t2 jomo laundry set sims2 featured image

Urban Chic Laundry

Urban Chic Laundry

If your sims are lucky enough to live in a space large enough for laundry hookups, this is a great set to furnish their laundry room with. There are lots of decorative items including clothes, ironing boards, and more. Scroll down the download page for links to even more urban-inspired CC by this creator.

TidyTouch Mini Set (Accessories, Alphacc, Laundry & Kitchen Decor Objects)

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PixelVibes Laundry Suite (Room Accessories, Alphacc Set, Miscellaneous Objects)

304579 laundry room by pixel vibes sims4 featured image

Hamptons Summer Bliss (Laundry & Decor Set – Accessories, Alphacc, Objects Collection)

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HamptonsSummerLaundry (Set with Room Accessories, Decor & Miscellaneous Objects – AlphaCC Inspired)

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LoftSense Laundry Lounge (Ledger Atelier, Table & Bar Objects, Miscellaneous Community Lot)

338543 loftsense laundry lounge by ledger atelier sims4 featured image

Washroom Wonders by SNOOTYSIMS

Washroom Wonders Set by SNOOTYSIMS

Step into a world of marbled sink, fluffy fresh towels, modern washing machine, and skincare and laundry clutter with our “Washroom Wonders” for The Sims 4! This set contains 20 items. ♡



What’s included:
~ Functional Washing Machine (Requires Laundry Day SP)
~ Marbled Sink
~ Mirror Cabinet/Storage
~ Plant
~ Basket Storage
~ Pile of Towels
~ 11 Beauty care clutter
~ Diffuser
~ Freshener
~ Fabric Conditioner

Complete Laundry Day Recolor Set: 48 Items, Multiple Swatches, Enjoy!


Laundry Day Appliances in 27 Colors – Requires Base Game Compatibility


Laundry in Pink by SNOOTYSIMS

Laundry in Pink Set

We brought you a Pink themed bedroom, now it’s time for us to bring you a Pink themed Laundry room! Inrtoducing “Laundry in Pink” – a mini collection of pink laundry and bathroom items.♡

What’s included:
~ Washing Machine Functional (requires Laundry Day SP)
~ Dryer Functional (requires Laundry Day SP)
~ Plant
~ Candle
~ 2 Soap Dispenser
~ Soap Dispenser Glass
~ Soap Holder
~ Cosmetic Tube
~ 2 Kinds of Folded Towels
~ Cream Containers

Wash ‘n Wear Essentials by Snootysims

SNOOTYSIMS - Wash n' Wear Essentials 01

We’re happy to introduce “Wash n’ Wear Essentials” ⎼ a set not only includes laundry clutter. This set contains 21 items to explore! ♡

What’s included:

  • Laundry Basket Functional (Requires Laundry Day SP) and Décor
  • Washing Machine Décor
  • Hair Blower Décor
  • Paper Rolls
  • 2 Detergent Boxes
  • Folded Laundry
  • Iron
  • Iron Board
  • 3 Boxes
  • 2 Cleaner Décor
  • Cabinet
  • 5 Cosmetic Decors

Laundry Day Pose Pack

Laundry Day Pose Pack

JOMO Laundry Room Set (Shelf/ Rack/ Clothing/ Tiles/ Drying Machine/ Decors/ Hamper/ Sink/ Closet/ Washing Machine) [MM]

JOMO Laundry Room Set

The Laundry

The Laundry

Give the laundry room a bit more realism with this selection of towels, sponges, washing powder, liquid detergents, and more!

Dior Luxe Laundry Basket [ALPHA]

Dior Luxe Laundry Basket [ALPHA]

The Sims 4 CC pack – Laundry day (early access)

the sims 4 cc pack laundry day early access puffersuffer

Mini Laundry Room! 🫧🧹🧥🐶

mini laundry room sixam cc

Laundry Leftovers Part 1

laundry leftovers part 1 kiwisim4

Coin Laundry Set (Laundry Cart / Coin Exchange Machine / Dryer / Washing Machine / Laundry Sign)

Vending Machines 14

The Coin Laundry Set is not exactly a vending machine, but it functions like one! Your Sims can do their laundry using the Coin Exchange Machine included in this pack. All in all, the CC pack includes 14 laundry-themed items.

Laundry Wooden Shelves with Laundry Clutter [MM]

home basics better than the floor laundry hutch sixam cc

Laundry set by Syboulette

image 510

Who has the time or energy to do laundry in real life? It’s a bit contradictory but I bet all of us would be happy to do that exact thing in the Sims 4, especially when there’s a set like this at our disposal. It includes 29 items. Here’s your download link.

#17 The Laundry – Decoration – Bottle v2

the laundry decoration bottle v2

#13 The Laundry – Decoration – Washing Powder v3

the laundry decoration washing powder v3

CoatiSims Sparkle Pods: The Ultimate Laundry Accessory (Tide Detergent)

143108 tide laundry detergent pods by coatisims sims4 featured image

Simmer’s Basket Bliss (TS3 to TS4): Menaceman44’s Hoop Hamper Collection

191708 ts3 ts4 sim city simmer hoop hamper by menaceman44 sims4 featured image

AlphaCC Elegance: Revolutionize Laundry Day (Washing & Drying Essentials)

321612 washing and drying machines by max 20 sims4 featured image

Simmer40’s Sleek Suite: Ambitious Washer & Dryer Accessories (AlphaCC Laundry Essentials)

146434 thesimmer40 ambitious washer dryer sims4 featured image

CoatiSims Sparkle Pods: The Ultimate Laundry Accessory (Tide Detergent)

224725 tide laundry detergent pods by coatisims sims4 featured image

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicolas

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Hi there! I’m Nicolas, your fellow Simmer who also happens to be the force simmering behind SNOOTYSIMS. I can’t believe it has been nearly 20 years since I created the very first Sims fan site. Time just flies by, doesn’t it? I’ve always loved writing about the Sims games and being part of its community has never ceased to be my personal thrill.

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We've started making our own Custom Content (CC)! Check out our new stuff on our Patreon account and let us know what you think. Your support goes a long way in improving our site and creating even more awesome CC. Big thanks to all our supporters! It's you making all this possible! 🌟 Here's the link to our Patreon account!

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This pack allows easy downloading of everything in just a few clicks as a special thank you.
While all items are available for free on Patreon, this bundle is designed for convenience. SnootySims deeply appreciates their supporters, whose backing makes their journey as CC creators possible.