Road to Fame Mod: Why you need and where to get it

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Author: Nicolas
5 based on 1 reviews

Out of all the mods that we have showcased here at SnootySims, the Road To Fame mod is by far among the best ones! Not only does this mod provide a great celebrity lifestyle for your Sims, but it is also one of the most complete and in-depth contents out there! We can’t stress enough just how fun and exhilarating the new life of a singer will be for your Sim! So we had to feature it here, among our big collection of mods and & CC! You can download the Road To Fame Mod here. Further awesome mods can be found here!

But first, what is the Road To Fame Mod exactly and why you should try it?

  • Complete new celebrity career for your Sim
  • Tons of new singing interactions
  • Additional levels and abilities to unlock

The Road To Fame mod is an incredible experience for anyone out there who is even slightly into singing! And if you’re looking to try something new, and unique in The Sims 4, then we beg you to give this mod a chance! 

Here is detailed info of what you find in the Road To Fame mod!

*Please note that you will need the City Living expansion pack in order for this mod to work.

Road To Fame Mod Professional Singing Skill

The Road To Fame mod comes with a brand-new Professional Singing skill that you can level up and advance into. The soul point of this mod is to give you the complete lifestyle of a pop or rock star, so singing will be the main thing you do professionally.

But that’s not all! As you progress in your singing career, you will quickly notice the day-to-day changes. Your Sim will become a really popular figure in the community, so expect a lot of paparazzi or questionable comments on the simstagram! The Professional Singing skill will be your indicator of how deep in the celebrity you are. So if you want a historic glory out of your singing, then make sure to practice and practice all day long!

Here is what you can expect from it!

Road To Fame Mod Levels and Interactions

Level 0

  • Practice Professional Singing

Level 1

  • Write lyrics
  • Record songs on a recording set (requires to have lyrics first)

Level 2

  • Upload songs to Simlishcloud
  • Respond to comments on Simlishcloud
  • Purchase lyrics
  • Sing to impress
  • Sell song (to a targeted Sim)
  • Unlock more songs

Level 3

  • Perform for tips
  • The Song of Love
  • Hire back-up dancers (they dance when the Sim performs on stage)

Level 4

  • Record multiple songs at the studio
  • Work on albums
  • Release albums

Level 5

  • Deliver singing telegrams

Additional Actions

The Professional Singing skill has also one more unique gameplay flavor to it. It comes with an interesting additional feature called HitBeat Points. Basically, whenever you perform a singing interaction, your HitBeat Points will increase. And once you get your HitBeat Points to 100, you will start getting offers to perform in concerts!


Concerts are actual events that you can host at your location. It is best to build a stage, but if you’re feeling kind of lazy, then head over to the Gallery and get one fast. Also, you will need to use the “Fan Indicator” to tell fans to stand in front of the stage. You can also host the concert at a venue.

At concerts, there will be big numbers of Sims who are actual fans and also paparazzi who will follow you for exclusive pictures. You will need to perform songs in front of them to satisfy them. For everything, you will have a set of goals that you need to fulfill in order to make the concert successful.

And if you do complete a concert event, you will be rewarded with 10 000 simoleons and you will become a star!


When it comes to celebrity careers in The Sims 4, the Road To Fame mod wins it all! It’s such an interesting and engaging piece of content that keeps you hooked and “in” in the zone the whole time. The complexity of the interactions is very “real-life” like and we enjoyed every second of it!

Things like singing to an audience, promoting brands, and being an idol other Sims look up to is something the sims 4 community needs! So, whoever you are, a new or a veteran simmer, please go and try the Road To Fame mod. You will thank us later! Happy Simming!

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicolas

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Hi there! I’m Nicolas, your fellow Simmer who also happens to be the force simmering behind SNOOTYSIMS. I can’t believe it has been nearly 20 years since I created the very first Sims fan site. Time just flies by, doesn’t it? I’ve always loved writing about the Sims games and being part of its community has never ceased to be my personal thrill.

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2 thoughts on “Road to Fame Mod: Why you need and where to get it”

    • Bobby, neither mod has the other listed as a known conflict however the Career Suite Overhaul mod does affect promotion requirements for jobs, although only for the vanilla game careers. All signs point to the two mods working together; your best bet is to test them both on a new save just to be sure.


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