If you’re looking for a way to use The Sims 4 cheats, you will first need to learn how to turn them on!
This can vary a bit depending on how you choose to play the game, but it still doesn’t have to be difficult! Let’s take a look together at the easiest ways to enable the cheats.
Choosing From Different Platforms
There’s not just one way to play The Sims 4! No matter which way you choose, you will still enjoy this game to the fullest. Yet, it’s no surprise that various codes and cheats can make your life easier.
Enable The Sims 4 Cheats on PC
If you’re playing The Sims 4 the regular way on your PC, you’ll need to take a few easy steps to enable your cheats. If this is new to you, here’s what you’ll need to do:
After opening the game, make sure to hit SHIFT + CTRL + C on the keyboard. Further, once the cheat box is opened, type “testingcheats true” in the bar. To clarify, this will enable all the cheats you want to use.
Enable The Sims 4 Cheats on PS4
How to turn on cheats in The Sims 4 for consoles? Well, if you choose to play on PS4, simply start playing the game and hold down all four triggers. Do this at the same time, and a textbox will appear at the top of the screen. Enter “testingcheats true” in the textbox to enable cheats.
It’s quite similar to the PC version, so if you have recently switched to the console version, you should be fine as long as you keep in mind the four triggers part!
Enable The Sims 4 Cheats on Xbox One
If you choose Xbox One as your preferred console for playing the Sims 4, the process is the same as for the PS4!
Just hold down all 4 trigger buttons until the textbox appears and type in “testingcheats true” in the textbox to enable cheats. If you were looking for how to turn on the Sims 4 cheats, this is the way!
Cheats 101: Learn the Basics
If you’re just starting out, you might want to note down some of the basics when it comes to cheats! Once you learn how to turn on cheats in The Sims 4, try these out!
P.S If you’re looking for a way to access all the cheats, take a look at this article!
If you’re looking for a way to increase the amount of money your Sim has, this is the way! Take a look below:
Money # – That’s how you set your Sim household’s Simoleons to a wanted amount
Motherlode – add 50,000 Simoleons to your account
kaching – add 1,000 Simoleons to your account
Daily Life
Death.toggle – Disables Death
fullscreen – Toggles full screen on/off
households.autopay_bills – Pays bills automatically
These are just some of the cheats that players tend to sometimes forget. If you’re looking for more ways to improve the gameplay, you can learn various cheats related to having kids, cheats for specific worlds, and so much more!
Now, you have learned how to turn on cheats in The Sims 4! Start enjoying the game even more and keep finding new ways to make it more exciting.
Your Author: Hi! I'm Ugne
SnootySims @ Patreon
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