How To Enter The Sims 4 Lottery?

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Author: Lina
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Have you ever been so deep and lost in your gameplay, struggling to make simoleons – that you simply wish you could make some money with a few cheats? We have all been there. But what stops us from using cheats is the desire to make it without, which is much more challenging. We do have to admit – we love a Sims 4 challenge. Now, what if we told you that there is a way you can possibly get a lot of simoleons without cheating – and it is still quite challenging? Welcome to the Sims 4 lottery!

sims 4 lottery

The Sims 4 Lottery: A One In A Million Chance?

The Sims 4 lottery was first introduced as part of the Sims 4: Seasons. Thanks to the intricate calendar system in this pack, the lottery will pop up as a surprise holiday during any season. As this holiday is happening, a Sim can choose to enter by purchasing a ticket. From there on out, you will just have to hope that they win! It really isn’t much else to do…

So, if you have the Sims 4: Seasons, and you really want to try out this lottery holiday – suit yourself. It is certainly exciting. You never know, one day your Sim might be that one in a million! Now, to discover how you can enter the lottery, and how much you can win, keep on reading!

How Can My Sims Enter The Sims 4 Lottery?

sims 4 lottery

First, teens, toddlers, and children can not enter the lottery for obvious reasons: they are kids. Therefore, this leaves the playground open for your young adult, adult, and elder Sims to bet their chances on one lucky dime! So, if you desire to purchase a lottery ticket you have to complete the following steps:

  1. Choose a young adult, adult, or elder Sim
  2. Click on their phone or computer
  3. Choose the «buy lottery ticket» option

However, you should be aware that your Sim can only buy 1 ticket, and it will cost §100. So, make sure you have enough household funds before you try to buy one. Larger households will have a bigger chance of winning since there are more Sims to buy tickets. Assuming every member is a young adult or older that is… Furthermore, materialistic and ambitious Sims love this holiday – so make sure you buy them a lottery ticket, or they will feel quite bummed.

What Can My Sims Win From The Lottery?

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After buying your entire Sim household lottery tickets, we imagine you will be quite impatient in terms of discovering who won. But do not worry, you will not have to wait long, because the winner will be announced at 10 AM the next day! Awesome right? We certainly love how quick of a holiday it is!

Anyway, if any of your Sims are lucky enough to win the lottery, they will receive §1,000,000! We know, it’s insane – which just makes this holiday the more fun and special! Imagine winning that much, even in the Sims 4, what are the odds? Crazy!

In addition to winning a lot of simoleons, your Sim will also receive a +3 dazed moodlet from being overwhelmed by their new fortune. Which… can we blame them? Who wouldn’t be! Note that every Sim in your saves file, including homeless townies, is considered as entered in the lottery, so chances are slim that you will win. But hey, you could be that one in a million!

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To sum it up, the Sims 4 lottery day is pretty fun to celebrate. Not that you actually celebrate it at all, despite buying a few lottery tickets. Now, it can be very fun to try and win the lottery, but also quite challenging. So, do not expect to win in your first attempt. We would rather you have low expectations and get surprised than disappointed each time. Remember all the other townies will be entering the lottery too, so you got a lot of competition!

Anyway, we wish you the best of luck with entering the Sims 4 lottery. May you be that one in a million in your Sims 4 save file. And, if you just so happen to win, tell us all about it in the comments down below! We would love to hear about your Sims 4 lottery experiences!

Now, go buy yourself that golden ticket. Happy Simming!

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