Have you ever wished your Sim could feel the vibe when meeting someone? First impressions mod makes that more than possible, adding more nuance to how relationships start. Sounds intriguing? Read on to discover more about what this mod brings to your gameplay!

What is the First Impressions Mod for the Sims 4?
Let’s be real, first impressions can make or break how we relate to others, especially at the beginning of a relationship. Thanks to the incredible Lumpinou and their First Impressions mod, we can have a similar experience in the Sims 4.
The mod is designed to give more substance and realism to how our Sims interact and how their relationships kick-off. It adds layers to how Sims meet one another, creating an opportunity to dislike or like someone based on the initial vibe they get. Now, let’s see how the mod works and what you can expect from it!
what kinds of first impressions can sims have?

To trigger the first impressions mod, simply make your Sim walk up to a stranger and introduce themselves! You will notice that first impressions will trigger either a positive ( Sentiment of Appreciation) or a negative (Sentiment of Dislike) sentiment. Your Sim should get the first impression immediately after introducing themselves to that stranger. To check what was your Sim’s first impression of someone, just go to the relationship panel and check that Sim’s profile. You’ll get more info under the ‘’First Impression’’ and ‘’Sentiments’’ sections.
Here is your full list of all possible First Impressions a Sim can have:
Admirable Adventurous Annoying Anti-Crush Brutally Honest Capable Clingy Controlling Cool Crush Distant Dramatic Egocentric Impact-Conscious Emotionally Expressive Fun to Be Around Funny Overly Energetic Imaginative | Immature In Dreamland Intense Interesting Nature Maniac Of Good Character Pretentious Proper and Polite Reasonable Responsible Rude Strong-Minded Stuck-Up Superficial Tasteful Unreliable Untrustworthy Weird |
how does the mod work?
The mod will generate first impressions based on two factors: your Sim’s personality traits and the personality traits of the Sim they just met.
The system will randomly pick and focus on one of the traits as the predominant one at the moment of meeting someone new. For instance, one time the mod will use your Sim’s Ambitious trait to generate the first impression, but the next time it may randomly pick their Bookworm trait to generate the first impression when they meet someone new.
If Sims have traits that are polar opposites, such as Good or Evil, this will be reflected in the first impression, and make it more likely for them to dislike one another. The stronger the personal differences, the higher the chance that the first impression will be a bad one.
How predictable are first impressions?
How many times have you had a wrong first impression of someone, only to discover later you were wrong? The great thing about this mod is that, while it makes it easy to somewhat predict whether the impression will be positive or negative, you can never be completely certain.
In other words, the same traits won’t guarantee that Sims will have the same first impression. For instance, if an ambitious Sim meets two Art-Lover Sims, there is still a chance that their first impressions will differ, despite both having the Art-Lover trait. Sims with the same personality traits are more likely to have positive first impressions of one another though.
Even when Sims have opposite or the same traits, there is a still chance the first impressions will vary, because the mod system can sometimes focus on other traits, giving different results. This is great, because it makes first impressions predictable only to a degree, making them more natural. After all, our Sims are multi-layered individuals, just like we are!
Do first impressions have an impact on Sim’s behavior?

The answer is yes, they sure do! The First Impressions mod doesn’t only introduce first impressions as a standalone feature but fully includes them into your gameplay. They will impact your Sim’s actions, relationship development, and mood. This impact isn’t huge, but it’s certainly there and manifests subtly throughout the gameplay.
The first impressions your Sim has will have an effect and give them special moodlets. Moodlets appear occasionally and won’t be triggered all the time, adding more unpredictability to how they react to others. This is especially true for Crushes, Anti-Crushes, Untrustworthy Sims, and those your Sim has categorized as Interesting upon meeting them.
Your Sim has just bumped into the Sim they have a crush on? Expect to see an appropriate moodlet! The best part is that your Sim can have varying modules, so the same first impression won’t always trigger the same moodlet. For instance, one time they may get Insecure around their crush, and the other time they may get super Flirty. The system impacts your Sim’s actions, so they will be slightly more propelled to autonomously interact with some Sims, especially if they have a significant first impression, such as a crush.
Don’t like the First Impression That Was Generated? What Now?
Has The First Impressions mod generated a first impression that doesn’t fit well into your storyline? Worry not. The good news is, you can always remove or re-generate impressions until you get something that clicks with you. Alternatively, you can completely turn off first impressions for a Sim, which allows you to still keep the mod and get the most out of it, but disable for it certain Sims if you don’t feel it.
You can also remove Sentiments your Sims has toward others, and vice versa. You will find all these options in the First Impressions mod settings.
How to Install the mod?
If, based on what you’ve read you’ve decided to give this fabulous mod a go, there are a few installation steps you’ll need to take. First Impressions mod has two versions: WithTimeDecay and NoTimeDecay. Choose only one version to install, depending on what clicks with you. These are the differences between the two:
- WithTimeDecay – If you choose to install this one, first impressions will decay over time. Sentiments will last for 10 days, and gradually fade until they disappear. Download and install only Lumpinou_FirstImpressions_v1_WithTimeDecay_3days_March2023.zip. You can get it here.
- NoTimeDecay – Install this one if you don’t want time to have any impact on first impressions. Download and install only Lumpinou_FirstImpressions_v1_NoTimeDecay_March2023.zip. Download the zip here.
If sometime down the line you wish to replace one system with the other, make sure you delete old files and install the other version of the mod for everything to work properly. Once you’ve downloaded the zip, unzip and copy all files. Paste the to Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4>Mods. Launch the game and have fun with the mod!
Regardless of which version you opt for, for the first impressions mod to work, you will also need to install the Mood Pack Mod, which you can download here. You will find more info about the First Impressions mod here.
This was the First Impressions mod in a nutshell! Although the changes it brings are subtle, they are meaningful and certainly bring a healthy dose of realism, allowing your Sims to intuitively connect with others upon meeting them. Try it out yourself. Happy simming!
Your Author: Hi! I'm Jovanna
SnootySims @ Patreon
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