The greenery-geared Kit is now available to download for free on PC and MacOS.

We recently shared that it was announced that Origin would be going away for MacOS users soon, and at the same time they would make the Blooming Rooms Kit free. Well, the time has some!
Get The Blooming Rooms Kit Free Right Now!
In what we can assume is an attempt to gain and keep new players for The Sims 4 EA has started periodically giving away content for free, with previous giveaways including the Desert Luxe Kit, My First Pet Stuff, Romantic Garden Stuff, and Backyard Fun Stuff. It seems that once per season we can expect that an older Kit or Stuff Pack will be made available for free. This time around it’s the Blooming Rooms Kit which came out just over 6 months ago.
This is interesting, as most of the other content that’s been given away has been DLC that’s been out for a while (with the exception of the Desert Luxe Kit which was made free for long-term players as a gift shortly before The Sims 4 base game went free-to-play). It’s hard to say why this Kit was chosen. One the one hand it’s possible that the Kit sold poorly at release and EA figures it’s not a big loss to make it free now, but on the other hand plants are an incredibly popular decorative element for simmers so it might have been picked because lots of people will enjoy having it.
No matter the reason though, it’s a win for players!
Should I Bother Buying DLC Anymore?

There have been rumblings from some players who have previously spent money on DLC content for The Sims 4 only for it to go free later on. As of this writing, the full retail cost of all DLC for the game comes out to $1,185 USD and that’s not including the cost of the original base game! On the one hand it can be disheartening to spend your money on something only for it to be free later on, especially with how expensive everything is these days.
Looking at it another way however, by giving out content for free simmers who might not be able to afford any DLC have the opportunity to enjoy extra stuff for their game. Things are expensive, not to mention many players may be young people who don’t have the means to purchase extra content on their own and who may be prohibited from downloading custom content to expand their in-game options. Lest we forget that most of the stuff that’s been given away so far is fairly old content, and those of us who purchased it have had months, even years of enjoying that content before it became available for free to others.
If you’re like me, you could view this free stuff as a nice little bonus. Kits in particular have to be full of stuff I know I’m going to use over and over again for me to want to purchase them, so when something I don’t own goes free I treat it as a little extra surprise akin to an SDX drop. Getting the Blooming Rooms Kit free will be the first time something is made available that I don’t already own (besides Desert Luxe) and as time goes on I will continue looking at these freebies as a little something extra, content I didn’t want enough to buy but will happily try out if it doesn’t cost me anything.
So if there’s a Kit or piece of older DLC you kind of want but not enough to buy, you might luck out eventually and get it at no charge. Certain DLC will probably never go free, like full Expansions or super popular Game Packs (particularly those with Occult content since simmers eat it up), but Kits in particular will probably be a regular freebie going forward especially as we move closer to the launch of The Sims 5.
Conclusion: Claim The Blooming Rooms Kit Free While You Can!
You can get the Blooming Rooms Kit free for a limited time, so be sure to head over to the EA site or the EA App to get it while you can!
Is there a particular Kit or other DLC you hope to see EA give away in the future? What about one that you paid for and liked way more than you thought you would? Sound off about them in the comments. Enjoy the free Kit, and happy simming!
Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole
SnootySims @ Patreon
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