The Sims 3: Inventions

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Author: Nicolas
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Invention Skill Scrap Sale price Description
Smasher 1 2 23 Decorative object
Drinking Llama 1 2 20 Decorative object
Dog Toy 2 3 27 Toy
Rotational Pull 2 3 29 Decorative object
Cow Toy 3 4 37 Toy
Tentacled Wind Up 3 4 53 Decorative object
Floor Hygienator 3 10 197 If your Sim stands on it, their hygiene rises and they get a positive moodlet
Whale Toy 4 5 52 Toy
Harvester 4 25 529 Big vacuum cleaner that can suck up garbage, scrap,bugs,etc.
Localized Static Tester 5 6 138 Decorative object
Robot Toy 6 6 86 Toy
Floating Duck 6 7 165 Decorative object
Flying Fighters 7 8 172 Decorative object
Miner 7 8 1.012 Big machine that can dig holes which may contain valuable items
Time Machine 9 50 2.024 You may end up changing your whole family and yourself when using this device
Sim Bot 10 100 N/A This robot is very good in repairing objects and inventing

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicolas

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Hi there! I’m Nicolas, your fellow Simmer who also happens to be the force simmering behind SNOOTYSIMS. I can’t believe it has been nearly 20 years since I created the very first Sims fan site. Time just flies by, doesn’t it? I’ve always loved writing about the Sims games and being part of its community has never ceased to be my personal thrill.

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