The Sims 3: Traits

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Author: Nicolas
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All options and socials for each trait, taken from guides, forums and gameplay. Mentioned socials are unique to the specific trait or will appear only under very specific conditions on other traits.

Absent Minded

Absent Minded
Absent-Minded Sims get lost in their thoughts and occasionally forget what they are doing, or where they are going.
Options Socials
– Occasionally cancels actions from the cue.
– May turn off TV, even if other Sims are still watching.
– May stop what they are doing mid-action.
– Can be mocked about being absent minded.



Ambitious Sims dream big and are more rewarded when their wishes are satisfied in life. They are driven to move up the corporate ladder more quickly, but fall prey to low mood if they don’t quickly recieve the promotion they desire.
Options Socials
– Gets a bad moodlet after 4 days of no promotion.
– Get promotions and raises faster than other Sims.
– Gets more Lifetime points from fulfilling a wish.
– Can be mocked about being ambitious.



Anglers catch fish better then other Sims. They also like fishing more then anyone else.
Options Socials
– Will catch fish 15% faster than other Sims.
– Gain fishing skill faster.
– Gains fun much faster while fishing then other sims.
– Can “Enthuse about fishing”.



Artistic Sims are naturally gifted artists with a paint brush. They also make pretty good writers and musicians!
Options Socials
– Builds painting skill 25% faster, writing/guitar 10% faster.
– Autonomously interact with easels and guitars.
– More profit with writing children’s book.
– Can click on sim to “Go to art gallery”.
– Can paint all 3 Still-life effects at paintlevel 6.
– Gives a water-color effect to the painting he/she paints
– Can “Talk about art”.
– Can be “Complained about art”.



Athletic Sims are the best athletes in town. They can push themselves harder and longer than others, and will do so to feel the burn.
Options Socials
– Builds athletic skill 20% faster then other sims.
– Autonomously interact with exercise equipment.
– Will get fatigued 20% slower when working out then other sims.
– Can click on sim to “Go to gym” and “Go to Community Pool”.
– Can “Talk about Exercise”.
– Can “Enthuse about Exercise”.
– Can “Express need for Exercise”.



Bookworms have a passion for reading that surpasses their other desires. They also tend to become good writers.
Options Socials
– Can read faster than other Sims.
– Has more fun reading than other Sims.
– Writes 20% faster than other Sims.
– Finish homework 30% faster.
– 20% more chance of writing a best seller.
– More profit with writing Vaudeville.
– Can click on sim to “Go to library” and “Go to Bookstore”.
– Can join Bookclub (by pc) and get a new book every week for a 1 time fee.
– Can “Talk about Books”.
– Can recieve an “Insult Bookworms” social.



Brave Sims are fearless individuals that will fight fires, wrangle burglars and work to protect those around them.
Options Socials
– Will not panic in case of fire or burglars.
– Will autonomously put out fires.
– Is not scared of ghosts.
– Will fight burglars.
– Does better in Law and Military career.
– Puts out fires twice as fast.
– More succes at asking for raise.
– 40% more chance to win a fight (except against mean/evil/brave sims).


Can’t Stand Art

Can’t Stand Art
Sims that Can’t Stand Art will never appreciate the latest masterpiece of expensive home decor. They are the anti-connoisseur.
Options Socials
– Will get a -10 moodlet for 3 hours when watching art.
– Will paint ‘darker’ paintings.
– Can “Complain about art”.
– Can recieve a “Calm down” social.



Charismatic Sims love to socialize with others and often know the perfect thing to say in every conversation. They also like to throw parties!
Options Socials
– Builds Charisma skill 25% faster than other Sims.
– Conversation will never bore other Sims.
– Makes friends 25% faster than other Sims.
– Has a charisma skill book in their inventory at start.
– Lowers relationships 25% slower.
– More profit with writing Autobiography.
– Many socials (like Tell Story/Get to know,etc) can be used right away instead of needing a higer relationship.



Childish Sims find it difficult to ‘act their age’. They love playing with children’s toys, see things through the eyes of a child and need to be constantly entertained.
Options Socials
– Can play with dollhouse and toys from toy box.
– Will become bored faster by repeated social interactions.
– Can fish in swimming pools.
– They are not afraid of ghosts.
– Can “Play with mirror”.
– More profit with writing children’s book.
– Get a cuddle time moodlet for sleeping with teddy bear in their inventory.
– Can be accused of being Childish.
– Can “Play tag”.



Clumsy Sims muck up both precious and every day moments in life with shaddy footwork and poor planning.
Options Socials
– Several forms of clumsyness like tripping on short stairs, tripping over nothing, falling when throwing out a fishingline,etc.
– 25% more chance of burning self when “Play with fire” on fireplace (must also be a Daredevil).


Commitment Isues

Commitment Isues
Sims with Commitment Isues don’t really want to settle down into a long-term relationship or a lifelong career. Marriage is out of the question!
Options Socials
– Will need a very high relationship with another Sim (at 90% full) before they can propose marriage.
– More profit with writing Drama.
– Can “Fret over commitment”
– Other socials like “Cancel wedding”, “Break Up”,etc appear earlier then other Sims.


Computer Wiz

Computer Wiz
Computer Wizs love spending time on the computer. They are great at tinkering with computers and can even make money as hackers if they choose.
Options Socials
– Can hack on the pc at night to earn money.
– Has 50% more fun playing computer games than other Sims.
– Makes friends more easily over the computer.
– Gains Logic 10% faster than normal when playing chess on the computer.
– Can overclock computers.
– Can repair computer 60% faster then other sims.
– Can upgrade computer 25% faster.
– Can write Science Fiction at skill level 0 instead of 1.
– More profit with writing Science Fiction.
– Give their paintings a square-tiled effect.
– Can “Talk about computers”
– Can “Boast about computer”.


Couch Potato

Couch Potato
Couch Potatoes are perfectly happy sitting on the couch to watch TV and eat junk food. They’ll need additional prodding to lead active lives.
Options Socials
– Gets more fun from watching TV than other Sims.
– Sim needs to sleep longer.
– Will not exercise unless they are in a very good mood.
– Get twice as much mood value for the Comfy moodlet.
– Prefers to sit on couch that is close to the tv.
– Can “Complain about Exercise”.
– Can “Whine about Swimming”.
– Can be complained about laziness.



Cowards are terrified of everything that can and will go bump in the night. They are scared of the dark and will frequently faint in ‘dire’ situations.
Options Socials
– Is afraid of the dark.
– Will faint when seeing a ghost or burglar.
– Will run away from Repoman and sims with Aura of Evil.
– Will run out of room where fire has broken out.
– Gets afraid from the Horror channel.
– Can “Run away” in scary situations.
– Can “Complain about darkness”.
– Can “Express fear of the dark”.



Daredevils seek the extreme side of life, even if it means taking an everyday chore extreme. They also love fire.
Options Socials
– Autonomously puts out fires.
– Can not die in fires.
– Puts out fires 30% faster then other sims.
– Gets +50 mood when on fire.
– Can “Play with fire” in the fireplace.
– More profit with writing Autobiography.
– Has a “Watch This” social which gives +15 mood for 3 hours.
– Has “Extreme” before many socials (which doesn’t do anything though).


Dislikes Children

Dislikes Children
Sims that dislike children do not want to have anything to do with children. No talking, no playing and certainly no reproduction.
Options Socials
– Will often reject social interactions from children.
– Will autonmously shoo children out of the room.
– Get -10 mood when close to children.
– Can “Shoo child away”.
– Can “Patronize” children.
– Can “Gripe about kids”.


Easily Impressed

Easily Impressed
Easily impressed Sims are easily astounded by everyday stories and are always pleased with the smallest of accomplishments.
Options Socials
– Are more receptive to “Boast about…” interactions than normal. Compliment socials appear earlier.



Evil Sims love the dark, take great delight in the misfortune of others and prefer to lead a life as far away from goodness as possible.
Options Socials
– Will get a “Fiendishly Delighted” moodlet when something bad happens around them.
– Can donate to undermine charities once a day by clicking on the mailbox.
– Does better in the criminal career then other sims.
– Can “Troll on forum” on pc.
– Gain +50 fun when non-family/non-loved one dies.
– 40% more chance to win a fight (except against mean/evil/brave sims).
– Will cheer Aura of evil sims.
– Can knock over trashcan.
– Paintings have a red tint.
– Can “Mastermind plot”.
– Can “Steal candy” from toddler.
– Has “Evil” before many socials (which doesn’t do anything though).
– Can be accused of being evil.



Excitable Sims get excited about… pretty much everything. They enjoy an extra dose of self-satisfaction when good things happen for them in life.
Options Socials
– Get often positive “Excited” moodlets from basic activities more than other Sims. Like seeing a friend, eating favorite food, etc. N/A



Family-Oriented Sims make great parents. They have big families and being surrounded by their children.
Options Socials
– 50% faster potty train and learning to walk and talk.
– Better starting relationships with family members.
– More profit with writing children’s book.
– Can “Talk about Family”.
– Can “Coo over children”.
– Can give “Family hug”.
Flirty Sims are constantly looking for romance and are most often quite successful in this endeavor.
Options Socials
– Can flirt earlier in a relationship.
– Romantic interactions will be accepted more often.
– Will autonomously flirt more often then other sims.
– 50% chance of meeting a sim while getting drinks alone at bistro.
– More profit with writing Trashy novel.



Friendly Sims smile frequently at others and are quick to make friends.
Options Socials
– Friendly social interaction are accepted more often.
– Makes friends faster than other Sims.
– Will not get bored with repeated socials.
– 50% chance of meeting a sim while getting drinks alone at bistro.
– Will Boo at Aura of evil sims.



Frugal Sims love to clip coupons to save money, relish a good deal and hate being wasteful.
Options Socials
– Can find coupons in the newspaper and PC for deals at the store.
– Get a “Got a good deal” moodlet for using coupons.
– Will disaprove any object over 250 simoleans.
– Will ‘clap out’ lights from empty rooms.
– Will give less to Sims asking for campaign donations.



Geniusses are logical thinker, masters of chess and excellent hackers. They saviour pursuit of the mind.
Options Socials
– Learns Logic 30% faster than other Sims.
– Learns the hidden skills Chess, Hacking and Mooch 30% faster.
– Autonomously ‘Contemplate’ their surroundings.
– Can “Solve the Unsolvable” on pc.
– More profit with writing Science Fiction and Mystery.
– Paintings are made out of hexagons/pentagons.
– Can paint Still-life – Genius at level 6.
– Can recieve a “Compliment cleverness” social.
– Can recieve a “Mock cleverness” social.



Good Sims go out of their way to help friends and family in need, are charitable with their money, and frequently comfort those around them.
Options Socials
– Cannot do any Mean interactions (A few exceptions still exist though).
– Can donate to charities by clicking on the mailbox.
– Less negative reactions to social interactions as other Sims.
– Will Boo Aura of Evil sims.
– Can “Brighten day”.
– Can recieve a “Complain about good people” social.


Good Sense of Humor

Good Sense of Humor
Sims with a Good Sense of Humor tell the best jokes that never fall flat or fail to entertain.
Options Socials
– Other Sims laugh at your jokes more often.
– Is more receptive to other Sims’ jokes.
– Your jokes strengthen relationships twice as much than normal.
– More profit with writing Humour.
– Can write Humour at level 2 instead of 5.
Funny socials appear earlier.


Great kisser

Great kisser
Great kissers kiss better then any other Sims. They give kisses that are not easily forgotten.
Options Socials
– Get a +15 Moodlet for any kiss.
– A kiss has a greater effect on relationship than normal.
– Always have the option to kiss someone.
– Other sims will accept kisses more often.



Green-thumbs are the best gardeners. They find solace and comfort amongst their garden and can revive plants in the worst of conditions.
Options Socials
– Gain gardening skill 25% faster then other Sims.
– Can talk to plants.
– Garden products are higher quality.
– Has a Gardening skill book in their inventory at start.
– Can revive death plants (at level 6).
– Can “Talk about gardening”.
– Can “Boast about reviving plant”.



Grumpy Sims are rarely in a good mood. It’s quite difficult to make them happy because they simply don’t want to be happy.
Options Socials
– Has a permanent -15 invisible moodlet.
– It’s harder to make them happy.
– More profit with writing Satire.
– Paintings have a blue tint.
– Can paint Still-life – Somber at level 6.
– Can be mocked about grumpiness.



Handy Sims are the best tinkerers. They will never fail when repairing or upgrading a household item which makes electrical objects far less dangerous!
Options Socials
– You learn the Handiness skill 25% faster than other Sims.
– Always succeed when repairing or upgrading objects.
– After repairing, it has a lower risk of breaking again.
– Has a handiness skill book in their inventory at start.


Hates the outdoors

Hates the outdoors
Sims that hate the outdoors despise being outside and will always remain indoors whenever possible.
Options Socials
– Outside, your Sim will receive the -20 ‘Plagued By Nature’ moodlet.
– Is less inclined to use outside objects.
– Will never get the ‘Stir Crazy’ moodlet.
– Can “Complain about outdoors”.


Heavy Sleeper

Heavy Sleeper
Heavy Sleepers will sleep through any situation, no matter how loud or alarming. They also tend to snore.
Options Socials
– Can sleep through loud music, crying youngsters and alarms.
– If a radio is playing in the room, they get the ‘Listening to Music’ moodlet even while sleeping.
– Can sleep at work.
– Will snore every 2-4 minutes instead of every 3-6 minutes.


Hopeless romantic

Hopeless romantic
Hopeless romantics passionatelly seek their soul mate. They want romance, true love and surround themselves with cheesy romantic television and novels.
Options Socials
– Sims are more receptive to romantic advances.
– ‘Stood Up’ and ‘Heartbroken’ moodlets have a greater negative effect than other Sims.
– Are in a better mood around Sims that they are romantically interested in.
– Can write Romance at skill level 5 instead of 10.
– More profit with writing Romance.
– Can “Gaze into eyes”
– Romantic socials appear earlier.



Hot headed Sims are quick to anger. Broken household items, conversations gone awry or even the slightest negative moodlet will all send them into a boiling rage.
Options Socials
– Will bypass getting sad or uncomfortable and just get mad.
– Twice as much affected by bad moodlets as normal.
– Will react more badly to negative social interactions.
– More profit with writing Satire.



Hydrophobic Sims are terrified of swimming. They loathe every second they have to spend in the pool.
Options Socials
– Will get a -25 negative moodlet while swimming.
– Will never autonomously get in swimming pools.
– Will panic in swimming pools.
– Will not play with rubber ducky in bath.
– Can “Express fear of swimming”.
– Can “Whine about swimming”.
– Can be mocked about Hydrophobia.



Inappropriate Sims talk about the wrong thing the wrong time, never think to dress properly, and never think to apologize when they’ve wronged someone. They enjoy mocking others with harsh words.
Options Socials
– Can do a ‘Sponge bath’ with a sink.
– Can kiss sims who you’re not romantically involved with.
– May dress the wrong clothes ocasionally.
– Will autonomously shower/bath or nap while visiting other houses.
– Cannot apologize.
– Is not embarrassed when peeing self or when someone walks in while bathing.
– Can ‘make inappropriate forum post’ on pc.
– Can knock over trashcan.
– More profit with writing Humour.
– Can “Make fun of”.
– Can “Criticize his/her family”.
– Can “Talk about sim in room”.
– Can be complained about inappropriatness.



Insane Sims respond to events in life unpredictably. They say what they want, do what they want and even wear what they want. Even if it doesn’t make sense to anyone else.
Options Socials
– Occasionally does a range of ‘insane’ things, like changing seats multiple times in a row.
– Occasionally queues up strange actions of random things that aren’t there.
– May dress the wrong clothes ocasionally.
– Can click on sim to “Talk to self”.
– Can talk to plants.
– Can fish in swimming pools.
– Is not scared of ghosts.
– Will cheer Aura of evil sims.
– Paintings contain little details.
– Can paint Still-life – Insane at level 6.
– More profit with writing Autobiography.
– Can be accused of being insane.
– Can “Speak madness”.
– Can “Talk about conspiracies”.
– Can “Tell ghost story”.



Kleptomaniacs ‘accidentally’ end up with things owned by others. They often ‘permanently borrow’ items from work, school or even their neighbor’s homes!
Options Socials
– Will occasionally autonomously steal objects from other sims (between 19:00-06:00).
– But you can also order your sim to “Swipe” something yourself.
– Your sim may steal something from work, school or the restaurant.
– Can return stolen goods by mail or in person.
– More profit with writing Autobiography.
Can “Return stolen object”.


Light sleeper

Light sleeper
Light sleepers toss and turn throughout the night and are woken up by the slightest bump in the night.
Options Socials
– Will wake up when a robber enters your lot.
– Are easily awoken by music, children and other noises.
– Will receive the ‘Fully Rested’ moodlet less often.
– Will snore every 15-30 minutes instead of every 3-6 minutes.



Loners enjoy time spent alone more than time spent with others. Quite shy, they will never approach anyone that isn’t a close friend. They prize their solitude and get nervous around large groups.
Options Socials
– Will receive the +15 ‘Enjoying Solitude’ moodlet when alone.
– Will receive the -15 ‘Too Many People’ moodlet when around 3 people or more.
– Can “Complain about all the people”.



Losers encounter woo and misfortune throughout their lives beginning with school and continueing into their careers. They will fail and fail often. They wont’get mad even when life falls apart. They’ll just cry.
Options Socials
– Win less often with chess and games.
– When winning, get a bigger ‘winning’ moodlet then normal.
– Will run away from Aura of evil sims.
– More profit with writing Autobiography.
– Can be accused of being a crybaby.
– Can “Boast about finally winning something!”.
– Can “Complain about being a loser”.
– Complain socials appear earlier.


Loves the Outdoors

Loves the Outdoors
These Sims love spending time outdoors and find a special joy amidst nature that others do not.
Options Socials
– Get a +20 Moodlet when outdoors.
– Is more inclined to use outside objects.
– Can click on Sim to go to Community pool or park.
– Can “Enthuse about outdoors”.



Lucky Sims are closely followed through life with a comforting sense of luck. They win often and they win big.
Options Socials
The Lucky trait is special as it doesn’t really get any real benefits directly (except a higher chance of winning with chess and games). But once your Lucky sim gets the “Feeling Lucky” moodlet, a whole range of benefits befall on the sims.
Find the full list here: Lucky/Unlucky list



Mean Sims love to fight, mostly because they never lose in a brawl. They take satisfaction with every new enemy made and dream of new ways to be nasty to others.
Options Socials
– Will autonomously use negative social interactions more than other Sims.
– Get a +10 moodlet when close to enemies.
– Get +5 mood for every enemy they have.
– Can ‘Troll on forum’ on pc.
– 40% more chance to win a fight (except against mean/evil/brave sims).
– Can knock over trashcan.
– Will cheer Aura of evil sims.
– More profit with writing Humour.
– Mean socials appear earlier.
– Can be accused of mean-spiritedness.
– Can “Criticize his/her family”.



Moochers can mooch food and money from their neighbors who for the most part just go along with it.
Options Socials
– Can mooch cash and food from other Sims.
– When visiting other lots, your Sim can mooch food from the fridge.
– 80% chance of mooching a small amount of money.
– 50% chance of mooching a large amount of money.
– Can “Mooch food”.
– Can “Mooch money”.


Natural Cook

Natural Cook
Natural Cooks are able to kick any dish up a notch, making their food the most delicious to eat. They learn to cook more quickly than others, and never burn down the kitchen in the process!
Options Socials
– Can learn the cooking skill 30% faster.
– Makes higher quality food.
– Can “kick up a notch” on food to improve it even more (at level 4).
– There’s a 20% chance the sim will do this autonomously.
– Will never cause a fire when cooking.
– Will burn food much less often.
– Can learn recipies by eating in restaurants.
– Has a cooking skill book in their inventory at start.



Neat Sims always find time to clean, regardless of their mood. They are easily devastated by filthy surroundings, but will never leave a mess behind.
Options Socials
– autonomously cleans up more then other sims.
– Has fun while cleaning.
– Cleans objects 30% better (takes longer to get dirty again).
– Roomscore moodlet is twice as much affected by dirty objects then other sims.
– Can ‘Clean entire house’ by clicking on the ground.
– Can clean even when mood is very low.
– Will not use dirty objects (for example they rather pee their pants then using a dirty toilet).
– Can “Complain about mess”.



Neurotic Sims will freak out at the most minor of provocations. They can become stressed easily and can be difficult to mellow. Luckily they take solace in sharing their worries with others.
Options Socials
– Will often ‘Check sink/stove’ after which the sim recieves a +15 “Feeling calm” moodlet.
– In case of low mood, can click on sim to “Freak out” after which the sim recieves a +10 “Tranquil” moodlet.
– Occasionally get wishes like ‘wash hands 3 times’ ‘brush teeth 3 times’ etc.
– Will ocasionally look out of the window.
– Are afraid of ghosts.
– Will run away from Aura of evil sims.
– Paintings are in bright neon colors.
– Can “Share worries”.
– Can “Talk about conspiracies”.


Never Nude

Never Nude
Never Nudes despise nudity and will never, ever, completely remove all of their clothing.
Options Socials
– Showers/bath in swimsuit. N/A


No Sense of Humor

No Sense of Humor
Sims with No Sense of Humor tell terrible jokes, so they tend not to tell them. They also don’t enjoy the jokes of others. Humor is simply wasted on them.
Options Socials
– Doesn’t really enjoy jokes very much.
– Doesn’t respond well to humorous social interactions.
– Fun meter goes down twice as slow as other sims.
– Twice as less chance to get ‘Impressive’ socials.
– Can be accused of being boring.
– Can “Bore to death”.
– Can “Complain about foolish joke”.
– Can “Share trivia”.



Over-Emotional Sims experience greater mood swings than other Sims when both good and bad things happen to them. They are constantly shedding tears of joy wheter it’s of a wedding or just on their couch watching romantic television.
Options Socials
– All moodlets effects mood 25% more. Both positive and negative ones.
– Will run away from Aura of evil sims.
– More profit with writing Satire.


Party animal

Party animal
Party animals love to party, and others love to party with them. When a party animal hosts a party, everyone comes and has a great time. Woo!
Options Socials
– Anyone your Sim invites to a party will attend.
– Guests attending your parties are more likely to bring gifts.
– Will gain ‘The life of the Party’ moodlet after successfully ‘Wooo!’ing 3 guests.
– Are not afraid of ghosts.
– Can “Wooo!” to guests during parties.



Perfectionists spend more time cooking, writing or even painting, but what they eventually finish is noticeably better than something created by other Sims. Perfectionists accept nothing shy of perfection.
Options Socials
– Needs 15 minutes longer to paint each stage of a painting.
– 20% more chance to paint a brilliant painting.
– 15% more chance to paint a masterpiece painting
– 20% slower at writing.
– 15% more chance of writing a best seller.
– Makes homework 15% slower.
– Does 2 choppings on the cutting board when cooking instead of 1.
– Give food they cook 15 bonus food points
– Always make the bed after waking up.
– More profit with writing Historical book.
– Can “Point out flaws”



Schmoozers are really good at befriending neighbors, co-workers and sulking up to their bosses. They love to flatter and are very good at it.
Options Socials
– 50% relationship gain when socializing boss and co-workers .
– Work tones ‘suck up to boss’ and ‘chat with co-workers’ are 150% more effective.
– Is a bit better at school.
– Compliments are always successful.
– Can “Schmooze” with boss and co-workers.
– Can “Praise”.
– Can “Flatter”.



Slobs constantly leave messes in their wake. To make matters worse, they won’t offer to pick up or clean! Luckily common filth won’t offend their senses.
Options Socials
– Low personal hygiene does not bother them.
– Messy rooms does not bother them.
– Can ‘lick a plate clean’.
– Can eat spoiled/burned food without negative effects.
– Objects get dirtier faster.
– Floods the bathroom after bathing/showering 75% of the time.
– Can complained about being a slob.



Snobs are very hard to impress though they love hearing about themselves and will never turn down a compliment. They dream of owning only the finest things and being associated with the highest echelon of neighborhood Sims.
Options Socials
– Always react positively to compliments.
– Get a +30 “new Stuff” moodlet when buying something new.
– Buying an objects lower then 800 simoleans will give a ‘snobby’ reaction.
– Will get the +10 “I am Beautiful” moodlet when looking in the mirror.
– Get +10 environment score when mirror is present.
– Get twice as much mood from environment score.
– Stolen/repo’d items give a bigger hit to mood (-20 instead of -15).
– Can “Boast about bicycle”.
– Can “Boast about car”.
– Can “Boast about pool”.
– Can “Talk about possessions”.
– Can “Talk about self”.
– Can recieve a “Mock snobishness” social.



Technophobe Sims hate television. They will never watch television except in dire circumstances and will always look for an alternative source of entertainment.
Options Socials
– No fun gain when watching TV.
– Get -10 mood when watching TV.
– Can sabotage electronics.
– May autonomously smash any electronics they see to pieces.
– Are bad at repairing electrical appliances.
– Slower writing skill than other Sims.
– Can “Complain about TV”.



Unflirty Sims do not appreciate the romantic advances of others and will be difficult to woo. It’s not that they don’t want to love, just that it’s difficult for them.
Options Socials
– Doesn’t respond well to romantic social interactions. – Has fewer Romantic socials.
– Can be accused of being unflirty.



Things rarely go right for unlucky Sims. They often lose at everything they touch. Though some do take pity on their misfortune…
Options Socials
The Unlucky trait is special as it doesn’t really get any real benefits directly (except a lower chance of winning with chess and games). But once your Unlucky sim gets the “Feeling Unlucky” moodlet, a whole range of bad things befall on the sims.
Find the full list here: Lucky/Unlucky list
– Cannot die by accidents (Grim Reaper takes pitty on them).
– More profit with writing Autobiography.



Vegetarian Sims never choose to eat meat, and doing so causes them to quickly become ill.
Options Socials
– Has vegetarian options of some of the foods like Veggie Burgers and Tofu Dogs.
– Will get Nauseous when eating meat.
– Vegetarians live longer than other Sims.
– Can “Complain about meat”.
– Can recieve an “Applaud vegetarianism” social.
– Can recieve a “Mock vegetarianism” social.



Virtuosos have a natural gift with musical instruments and are often considered the best musicians. As such, they earn more as musicians when playing for tips and learn more quickly.
Options Socials
– Can learn the Guitar skill 25% faster than other Sims.
– Autonomously plays guitar.
– Gets more cash from performing.
– Toddlers learn Xylophone 25% faster.
– May sing in the shower.
– Can click on sim to go to the theatre.
– Adds a white flair to paintings.
Can “Enthuse about music”.



Workaholics love to work and rarely become stressed from working. Their mood stuffers when they miss work, but they are able to make it up by working from home. Workaholics make the best employees.
Options Socials
– Gets less stressed from working.
– Fun raises when working or doing homework.
– Is more successful at asking for promotions and raises.
– Get stressed when not at work during working hours.
– Can work from home on the pc and ‘check on work’ via their phones.
– Have fun doing homework and do it faster aswell.
– Can be accused of being a workaholic.
– Can be applauded for hard work.
– Can be “Asked about missing work”.


Expansion traits

All options and socials for traits added by the Ambitions and Late Night expansionpack (World Adventures traits added soon), taken from guides, forums and gameplay. Mentioned socials are unique to the specific trait or will appear only under very specific conditions on other traits.



Born Salesperson

Born Salesperson
Not only do Born Salespeople often sell their wares for more money than other Sims, they know the importance of a good reputation and can quickly build one at the consignment store.
Options Socials
– Get more for items when you sell them in the Consignment Store.
– When selling items, you build reputation faster.
– More positive feedback at the store.



Everyday situations in life deeply stir the imagination, emotions, and reactions of Dramatic Sims.
Options Socials
– Get big mood boosts with positive events.
– Acts violent when insulted.
– Will Whine and get mood hits when they do boring things like cleaning.
– Can “Fake Passing Out”.
– Can “Whine about Life”.
– Can “Tell Dramatic Story”.



Eccentric Sims have a natural ability when it comes to inventing crazy gizmos and whachamacalits.
Options Socials
– Develops Inventing skill faster than other Sims.
– They learn blueprints for inventions sooner.
– Creates inventions faster.



Eco-Friendly Sims prefer a lifestyle of energy conservation, recycling and sustainable eating.
Options Socials
– Gets unique positive moodlets for carpooling, gardening and using eco-friendly appliances.
– Gets negative unique moodlets for using cars and eco-unfriendly appliances.
– Prefers to choose a bike over a car.
– Can take a quick shower.
– Can “Talk about Recycling”.
– Can “Talk about Going Green”.
– Can “Talk about Composting”.
– Can “Talk about Renewable Energy”.



Perceptive Sims make keen Investigators. Their ability to investigate and stakeout potential criminals is bar none.
Options Socials
– Earns more for Investigator assignments.
– Learns Logic faster.
– Learns traits of other Sims faster.
– Encounters crimes faster on stakeouts.


Savvy Sculptor

Savvy Sculptor
Savvy Sculptors know the ins and outs of sculpting masterpieces. These Sims never fail at making the best sculptors.
Options Socials
– Learns Sculpting faster than other Sims.
– Can make unique sculptures.
– Never shatter or decapitate a sculpture.
– Can “Talk about Sculpting”.


Late Night



Shy Sims will never approach anyone that isn’t a friend and tend to stick to their rooms if they are able. They are also uncomfortable around large crowds of people.
Options Socials
– Won’t approach Sims that aren’t friends.
– Prefer to stay in their own room.
– Avoid crowded places.
– Get a big moodboost when they’re among friends.
– They will not skinny-dip.


Star Quality

Star Quality
Sims who have Star Quality are destined to be in the spotlight. They have an easier time befriending Celebrities and climbing the ladder to stardom.
Options Socials
– Easier to impress celebrities.
– Get more celebrity points when they get a celebrity friend.
– Bigger chance to get free objects when achieving celebrity status.


Vehicle Enthusiast

Vehicle Enthusiast
Vehicle enthusiasts enjoy the craftsmanship of a fine ride and know the value of a dependable vehicle. Their relationship with their vehicles is a special one.
Options Socials
– Will automatically name their car.
– Will gain a positive relationship with their car faster.
– They get a mood boost when they ride in their car.


Clashing traits

Below, traits that clash with other traits. * means it’s also vice verca (Good rules out Evil, Evil rules out Good, etc.).

Trait Rules out
Artistic Can’t stand art
Athletic Couch Potato
Brave Coward, Loser
Can’t stand art Artistic, Savvy Sculptor
Charismatic Loser
Childish Dislikes Children
Commitment Isues* Hopeless Romantic
Computer Whiz Technophobe
Couch Potato Athletic, Disciplined, Technophobe
Coward Brave, Daredevil
Daredevil Coward
Disciplined Couch Potato
Dislikes Children Childish, Family Orientated
Easily Impressed* Snob
Eco-Friendly Hates the Outdoors
Evil* Good
Exitable* Grumpy
Family Orientated Dislikes Children
Flirty* Unflirty
Friendly* Mean
Good Sense of Humor* No Sense of Humor
Grumpy* Hot-Headed
Hates the Outdoors Eco-friendly, Loves the Outdoors
Heavy Sleeper* Light Sleeper
Loner* Party Animal
Loser Brave, Charismatic
Loves the Outdoors Hates the Outdoors
Lucky* Unlucky
Neat* Slob
Perceptive Absent-Minded
Savvy Sculptor Can’t stand art
Technophobe Computer Whiz, Couch Potato

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Hi there! I’m Nicolas, your fellow Simmer who also happens to be the force simmering behind SNOOTYSIMS. I can’t believe it has been nearly 20 years since I created the very first Sims fan site. Time just flies by, doesn’t it? I’ve always loved writing about the Sims games and being part of its community has never ceased to be my personal thrill.

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