The Sims 4 New Patch Update (08/03/2023) : Ranch Maintenance

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Author: Keith
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It’s been two weeks since we got The Horse Ranch EP on our hands and I know we’re all giddy about the gameplay, the cute horses, and the majestic Chestnut Ridge world! And now, the Team is up for a new patch update, “Ranch maintenance”, for us.

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The Patch Update : Ranch Maintenance Patch Notes

Update 08/03/2023

PC: 1.99.305.1020 / Mac: 1.99.305.1220

Console: Version 1.79.21

Howdy, Simmers!

We hope you’re having yourself a rootin’ tootin’ good summer (or winter for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere)! The crew has been super excited for The Sims 4 Horse Ranch Expansion Pack finally to be out in the world and we have loved seeing y’all’s fantastic Horses and homesteads!

One teammate was telling us about a young stallion she had growing up named Starbuck. He was feisty and seemed a bit wild to some folks. However defiant Starbuck seemed to be, though, our teammate shared a special bond with him that was unmatched (despite him being more than happy to take an apple from anybody!). We hope you create your own special bonds with your Horses in the game!

We have a few ranch maintenance notes to share, so kick up your boots and settle in.

–     SimGuruJoAnna

Bug Fixes

Base Game

  • The female outfit with a foldover sweater (yfBody_EF18LongPant_RedandWhite) now keeps its hands to itself when the camera is far away.
  • Circular Roofs once again haveshingles that lay properly.
  • L-shaped stairs that are two or more tiles wide no longer have a misplaced triangular section on the side.
  • Floor and Ceiling Pattern names have been updated since they now apply to both. Try them out for Painted Ceilings if you have not already!
  • Lessons about camera controls now have images that include the updated “Free Camera.” If you haven’t tried it out yet, use it to check out Ceilings that you now can customize!

Growing Together

  • The “Screen Smarts” Moodlet that children get for watching the Brainchild Learning television channel now has text in all languages.

Horse Ranch

Live Mode

  • Dazed newborn Foals that are fed an Age-Up Treat now become adults who maintain their “Horseness” when going on rides so they don’t walk upright like Sims.
  •  Sims occasionally were stuck staring into space while starting activities such as eating or cooking. It turns out this was a possible side effect of going home from another location via “Ride Home. Well, no longer! Sims now can enjoy their post-ride meal.
  • Sims on Horseback who select a “Community Job from the Ranch Community Board now remain mounted in most cases when heading to the Job.
  • For new games inChestnut Ridge, Emily now only recommends affordable starter lots.
  • The Welcome Wagon no longer sometimes overstays its welcome because nothing says ‘Welcome to the Neighborhood’ like a bladder mishap on the porch.
  • “Ask About The Community” on aChestnut Ridge resident now consistently shows the neighborhoodRanch Community Board when selecting “View Board.”
  • Horses that are uncomfortable now shake their head less frequently while trotting or cantering. To learn more about how a Horse is feeling, just hover the cursor over the Horse or ask an unhappy Horse “What’s Wrong?”
  • Horses move more naturally while walking, trotting, and cantering.
  • Horses runningaround for Fun now run in more direct paths and avoid running through Gates.
  • Horses now are less likely to loop through Gates.
  • When engaging camera auto-follow on the active Sim who is riding on a lot with walls set to “Medium” or “Tall,” the rider now remains firmly mounted instead of skyrocketing above the world. Sims are better off exploring worlds from the relative safety of the saddle!
  • Sims keep their hands on the reins when their Horse moves on his or her own.
  • Sims making Nectar no longer freeze up when another Sim uses certain greetings with them or when making jokes about Body Hair. It’s just a neighborly hello with jokes on hold until after the Nectar is made!
  • The Mysterious Rancher now pays the full amount of Simoleons when a Sim sells multiple bottles of Nectar at once.
  • Selecting “Hire a Ranch Hand” on a Ranch Community Board and then switching to a Child now shows the initial Sim’s phone interface after selecting “Call to Hire Ranch Hand.”
  • Horse Training options that the Sim cannot afford now have a tooltip that correctly states the Sim’s name.
  • Sims who are not Father Winter no longer travel to locations such as the Equestrian Center via fireplaces. Chimney transportation is reserved!
  • Sims now can enter only one Horse Competition at a time. This prevents Horses from sometimes getting confused and staying in the Equestrian Center.
  • Sims who lose an Elder Horse friend or acquaintance to death or who witness one passing now have a “Mourning Horse” Moodlet. Rest in peace, noble steed.
  • On Horse Jumps“Practice Advanced Jumps” now kicks up dust from the ground properly when the Horse knocks off the top rail.
  • When selling many Mini Goats or Mini Sheep in rapid succession, the chance of one being left behind and i n v i s i b l e is lower now. If you encounter this, “Save” and “Reload” to resolve the issue.
  • Lots you can visit no longer have the “Place Animal…” interaction.
  • “Sniff” and “Nuzzle” interactions with Foals and Adult Horses no longer occasionally contort the Sim’s arms.
  • Manure/poop is more performant at the gameplay engine level. You heard that right – we “polished” this fertilizer powerhouse.
  • Horses in locked, enclosed spaces or who otherwise cannot get to the edge of the lot now can be sold successfully.

Build Mode

  • Rust’n Chic Table Lamp now can live a life independent of walls. It now slots onto the typical horizontal surfaces rather than snapping to walls.
  • Paddock Fencing and Sturdy Ranch Fencing now can be built withrounded corners.
  • Rancher’s Dream Window’s black design now is fully black.
  • Cormac Pine End Table’s white design now has a white swatch.

Create a Sim

  • Selecting a premade shape for a Horse’s head now preserves the Mane and Tail Color and any Feathers. Did you know in real life that the Arabian’s concave head profile is described as “dish”-shaped and muzzles (noses) with a convex profile are called a “Roman nose”?
  • Horses now are fully visible after undoing accessories while the “Coat Color & Pattern” section is still highlighted. No i n v i s i b l e Horses here!
  • Premade face shapes for Sims were missing for games that had Horse Ranch and not Werewolves. They’re back now!
  • “Plan Outfits” for Foals now includes Mane and Forelock selection.
  • Foals now have better framing in the Gallery. Who can resist that cute face??
  • The English riding outfit (ymBody_EP14RidingDressage_LogoBlueLt) now shows up with the “Feminine” filter.
  • The fringejacket (yfTop_EP14JacketFringed_SolidBrown) now tucks into bottoms properly.
  • The “Jumpsuits” category for the “Masculine” filter no longer includes a few errant tops.
  • The “Boomtown Maverick” Styled Look no longer has two errant color swatches.

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