CAS Up Boots/High Heels by RedHeadSims

Custom shoes are an incredibly popular type of CC in the modding community with many creators specializing in beautifully detailed, sky-high platform shoes. Depending on the size of the sole, the sim may not actually be able to go as high as the shoe and so sliders like this are designed to help. They work by lifting the sim into the air so you’re able to raise them as high as needed to wear whatever custom shoes you desire! If you love kitting your sims out in haute footwear, you’ll definitely get use out of this slider.
The only catch is that the sim will remain that high off the ground for every outfit, so you either need to have a collection of different shoes all at the same height, have your sim stay within a limited range of footwear, or pretend your sim is possessed and floating above the ground! It would be perfect for a Max Mayfield sim =P