New LEAKS for the Upcoming Horse Ranch EP You’ve Got to See! Less Than 3 Hours To Go!

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Author: Keith

The intense excitement for the much-anticipated Horse Ranch Expansion Pack is still dominating the Sims community! Well, you can’t blame Simmers all around the world for that! And guess what, we’ve came across into another *leaks* and speculations!

Horse Ranch Expansion Pack

List of Leaks we’ve Seen!

  • Let’s start with this trending official Box Art Cover published by @SimMatically!
HorseRanchEP 1
The Official Horse Ranch Box Art Cover | Source
The Sims 4 Horse Ranch Background | Source
  • This Cutiepatootie little goat you want to see from the EP!

The Speculations

We all know that Simmers are very keen into details (coz yeah, Build Mode is the key), and a lot of them saw a very interesting feature that could any Simmer builder wish for is the Customizable Ceiling feature! As we all know, The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 have this kind of feature, so maybe The Sims 4 Team and EA came up with the idea of bringing it back into the game. While it has not been officially confirmed, it’s advisable to wait for the official announcement that will happen in the next 3 hours! Take a peek at these images and think about it.

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White ceiling no more?
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Don’t Worry, We’ve Got Less Than 3 Hours To Wait for the Official Trailer!

How can we forget to remind you about this? Fear not! Here’s the Youtube Premiere of The Sims 4 Horse Ranch Trailer. Saddle up and prepare for an exhilarating ride!

Don’t know what’s with the Horse Ranch Expansion Pack? Take a look at this news we created just for you! Stay tuned with us, Snootysims, for more news and updates!

Official Leak of The Horse Ranch Expansion Pack

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