15 Great Pieces of Homeless-Inspired CC For Your Sims 4 Gameplay

Have you, for whatever reason, wanted to make a homeless sim but you are unsure of where to start? Well, with these 15 pieces of homeless-inspired cc you’ll be able to make your sim look and feel homeless, which is never something you wanna be!

The Crapbucket For Homeless Sims by Kady301 is exactly as it sounds. A sim is going to have to go to the bathroom even if they don’t have a home. With this mod at least they will have a place to be able to relieve themselves.

CrapBucket: For The Homeless Sims

With the Dirt Accessories For All Clothes by Velouriah, your sim can always look like they need to get themselves to a shower pronto!

Dirt Accessories For All Clothes

Every sim needs a place to sit and when your sim is homeless it’s not easy to afford furniture. The Box Chair by Jalorda is a box that doubles as a piece of furniture.

Box Chair

Even kids are homeless and The Sims 4 Homeless Dress by MissRatata makes your child sim look like they are definitely homeless. Is it the most hygienic of clothing? No, but it’s pretty accurate when you think of it.

Homeless Dress

The Adult Female Homeless Clothes by MaiaMadness is a set that will make your sim look like they are instantly homeless– even if they aren’t. It comes with a sweater, dress, jeans, and boots.

Adult Female Homeless Clothes

What’s that all over the hoodie you ask? Well, the Dirty Grey Hoodie by Matou is a piece of clothing covered in dirt. It’s available for female sims ages teen all the way to elder.

Dirty Grey Hoodie

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